Adventure: sailing on the Antarctic Peninsula, spectacular Wildlife and Landscape
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 Published On Sep 28, 2024

@UdoKellner #sailing #antarctica #kayak #expedition #adventure @QuixoteExpeditionsMedia
Adventure with a sailing boat in Antarctica: landscape with icebergs, lots of snow, mountains and glaciers; Animals e.g. penguins, seals, whales gulls e.g. solitude and beauty in any weather. Driving with a great crew and companions. The Video from early 2018 has now been re-re-edited with more stable images, correct color grading and better sequence lengths to the appropriate music (which of course, like everything else, is a matter of taste)! Have fun enjoying!

Abenteuer mit dem Segelboot in der Antarktis: Landschaft mit Eisbergen, viel Schnee, Berge und Gletscher; Tiere u.a. Pinguine, Robben, Wale Möven u.a. Einsamkeit und Schönheit bei jedem Wetter. Fahren mit einer tollen Crew und Mittbegleitern.

Con un velero en la Antártida: paisaje con icebergs, mucha nieve, montañas y glaciares; Animales, por ejemplo, pingüinos, focas, ballenas, gaviotas, por ejemplo, soledad y belleza en cualquier clima. Conduciendo con una gran tripulación y compañeros.

Con una barca a vela in Antartide: paesaggio con iceberg, tanta neve, montagne e ghiacciai; Animali come pinguini, foche, gabbiani balene, ad esempio solitudine e bellezza con qualsiasi tempo. Guidare con un ottimo equipaggio e compagni.

Avec un voilier en Antarctique : paysage avec icebergs, beaucoup de neige, montagnes et glaciers ; Animaux, par exemple pingouins, phoques, baleines, goélands, par exemple solitude et beauté par tous les temps. Conduire avec un équipage et des compagnons formidables.

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00:00 Intro
00:33 King George Island
00:38 Yankee Harbour - Greenwich Island
01:35 Mikkelson Harbour - Trinity Island
03:04 Sailing West Coast
05:16 Foyn Harbour - Enterprise Island
06:49 Summer Snow
07:03 Paradise Bay - Lemaire Island
09:30 Gabriel González Videla Station - Mainland
10:55 Port Lockroy - Wiencke Island
14:02 Deception Island - in the Caldera
15:42 Back to King George Island

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