The 4 Tenors/Cantors: Fried, Helfgot, Dudu & Ohad - Sheyiboneh ארבעת הטנורים: שיבנה
Yossi Nachman Yossi Nachman
2.17K subscribers

 Published On Sep 5, 2010

HASC - A Time For Music XXI (21) recorded live on January 13, 2008 at Avery Fisher Hall in New York City features Jewish music greats such as Avraham Fried, Cantor Yitzchok Meir Helfgot, Ohad!, Dudu Fisher, Yeshiva Boys Choir, Shlomo Katz, Eitan Katz, The Shira Choir and more with music by the world renowned Neginah Orchestra conducted by Yisroel Lamm. Available on double CD and DVD, this unbelievable production will keep you enteratained for 2 full hours. Having received rave reviews, this production is a must-have for every Jewish music fan and is sure to be one of the most treasured additions to your CD or DVD collection.


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ארבעת הטנורים: אברהם פריד, החזן יצחק מאיר הלפגוט, דודו פישר ואוהד מושקוביץ

The Four Tenors: Avraham Fried, Cantor Yitzchok Meir Helfgot, Dudu Fisher and Ohad Moskowitz

שיבנה בית המקדש
Sheyiboneh Beis Hamikdosh
May the Holy Temple be rebuilt
Möge das Heiligtum erbaut werden

יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלוקינו ואלוקי אבותינו, שיבנה בית המקדש במהרה בימינו ותן חלקינו בתורתך. ושם נעבדך ביראה כימי עולם וכשנים קדמוניות. (תפילה לאחר תפילת שמונה-עשרה-עמידה)ץ

May it be Your will, HASHEM our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, that the Holy Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days, and grant us our share in Your Torah. May we serve You there with reverence, as in days of old and in former years. (Prayer after the 18-Amidah prayer)

Möge es Dein Wille sein, Ewiger, unser G-tt und G-tt unserer Vorfahren, dass erbauet werde das Heiligtum bald in unseren Tagen, und lass uns an Deiner Lehre teilhaben. Dort wollen wir Dir in Ehrfurcht dienen, wie in den Tagen der Vorzeit und in den früheren Jahren. (Gebet nach das 18-Amida Gebet)

Why Don't We Rebuild The Holy Temple?

...We have a tradition that Elijah the Prophet will arrive and reveal himself to us before the Advent of the Messiah. He will arrive and answer all questions and resolve all doubts.He will reveal to us which families are definitely Cohanim. And he is a recipient of the Ordination Of Moses and can therefore restore the Sanhedrin. And he will bring peace to the world.

Thrice daily, all observant Jews pray: "...and restore the service to the Holy Sanctuary, and the fire-offerings of Israel and their prayer you will accept with love..."

Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, in his work, Moadim Uzmanim, in his treatment of the subject, ends off by saying:

And according to what we have explained at length above, there are innumerable reasons why we do not rebuild the Holy Temple or the Altar, nor bring sacrifices today. Nor does the repossession of the Land of Israel change that Law at all. We are unable, and therefore exempt according to the Law, without a doubt, for many reasons, until the Messiah arrives...G-d forbid that anyone should reconsider or doubt this...And I only discussed these matters out of interest in the subject, due to love of the Holy Temple and the Holy Service.

May the Holy One, Blessed is He, pour upon us a spirit of purity from high above, and may we be found worthy of having G-d's Holy Manifestation in our midst when G-d returns the Service to His Sanctuary speedily, and with our own eyes may we merit seeing everything straightened out.

This article is intended to be read after The article "Sacrifices and the Holy Temple" -

From "being Jewish" -

Warum Juden Gold mögen

...Aus Gründen, die wir nicht kennen, gibt G--tt uns den Tempel noch nicht. Darum müssen wir ihn vorläufig aus den ungreifbaren, aber sehr realen Elementen unserer Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen und zu G--tt bauen. Aber wir müssen den Tempel so gut wie möglich bauen. Schenken Sie also Gold. G--tt hat es verdient.

von Shimon Posner - Chabad

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