Channel Update May 2023 (Please Read Description)
New Dawn Recordings New Dawn Recordings
19.4K subscribers

 Published On May 20, 2023

Hello! It is finally time to make some big changes. Firstly I would just like to thank everyone who has taken the time to watch the videos, and for all of your comments. I really appreciate it.

Thank you to everyone that has subscribed to the channel, for your likes and for sharing the videos on social media. It has really helped the house renovation video which has now been watched over 3.5 million times which is just unbelievable.

A lot has happened in the time since I started the channel and uploaded the house renovation video back in December 2021. That Christmas I packed my tools into my van and headed north to the Scottish Highlands in search of an adventure. My only plan at that point was to explore for a few months and do some joinery work along the way.

One evening in Inverness a few days into the journey, I got talking to a guy in Hootenanny's bar in the centre of town. We had a good chat and enjoyed a few pints of Guinness. I explained that I was a joiner looking for work, and as luck would have it he was looking for someone to convert his Ford Transit Minibus into a campervan. At that point I knew I was in exactly the right place at exactly the right time, and a few days later we arranged a meeting, agreed upon a price and he handed me the keys to a room at his B&B, where I stayed throughout January 2021, working on the van on his driveway. I settled into Inverness as though I had lived there my whole life, which is strange because I've never settled anywhere. By the time the van conversion was completed in February it was clear to me that a huge change had happened and I just didn't want to leave the Highlands and head back home to Birkenhead.

I have been travelling all over Scotland in my free time since around 2015. Growing up I always thought Ireland was the place that I was going to live one day, and I have always felt a strong connection to my Irish roots. Around 10 years ago I spent some time researching my ancestry. If you ever get the chance I would highly recommend it. Little did I know at that point how much of an impact it would have on my future and where I am now.

Interestingly, as well as my Irish roots which led me to the most northerly point of Donegal, Malin Head, I found out that I had Scottish ancestry on both my maternal and paternal lines, one of which was the name MacFarlane. It sparked an interest in me and I decided to take a trip up to Loch Lomond. I can't really explain the feeling but when I arrived in Scotland and made it to Loch Lomond, I felt like my soul was home. I love Ireland but this was different. I can't really find words to explain it. Since then I have been all over the Highlands and my plan has always been to find a place to live there one day.

When I bought the house / shop in Birkenhead I saw an opportunity to put all of my building skills to use and so I threw everything I had at it. To be honest it put up a hell of a fight and at one point I didn't think I was going to get to the end of it, but with patience, perseverance and time it was completed.

My original plan was to use the property as a base for 5 - 10 years, make art and music using the shop area, and eventually sell up and move to the Highlands. But what the last 15 months travelling around Scotland in my van has taught me, is that I don't need to wait. I already live in Scotland, just not in a bricks and mortar house.

So for now my plan is to sell the property, continue living in my van, and find as much time as possible to focus on what I love, which is travelling, making art and music, writing, and enjoying the simple moments in life.

I am still currently available for joinery work and you can find more information about my locations and availability on my website.

The record label is about to be reborn with a new name after noticing another company using the same name.

They can keep it... I have a better plan.

My artist name will remain as Three Eagles, and I will keep the website name the same for now while I weave my way through the mist and confusion.

I have some new music which will be up on the channel in the next few days.

I am a wanderer at heart and I don't know where I am going to end up. There is a whole world out there waiting to be explored, and not enough time to see it all.

Don't wait for the right time, the time is now.
Move in the direction of your dreams.

I am going to see as much of this world as I can.

The dream hasn't ended, it is only just beginning, and I look forward to sharing it with you in the future. ☀️

Thanks for watching

Peace, Love and Freedom

Three Eagles


©️ Copyright Stephen Taylor - Three Eagles 2023 All Rights Reserved.

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