Timed 25-Foot-walk test-أ.د. عمرو حسن الحسني أستاذ المخ و الاعصاب
Dr Amr Hassan Dr Amr Hassan
142K subscribers

 Published On Apr 15, 2024

The T25-FW is a quantitative mobility and leg function performance test based on a timed 25-walk. It is the first component of the MSFC to be administered at each visit. The patient is directed to one end of a clearly marked 25-foot course and is instructed to walk 25 feet as quickly as possible, but safely. The time is calculated from the initiation of the instruction to start and ends when the patient has reached the 25-foot mark. The task is immediately administered again by having the patient walk back the same distance. Patients may use assistive devices when doing this task.
Administration Time
Administration time will vary depending upon the ability of the patient. Total administration time should be approximately 1-5 minutes.
Administration Method
The T25-FWis administered in person by a trained examiner. The examiner need not be a physician or nurse.


The score for the T25-FWis the average of the two completed trials. This score can be used individually or used as part of the MSFC composite score.

Download the MSFC Administration and Scoring Manual (PDF)
General Comments
Gait speed in general has been demonstrated to be a useful and reliable functional measure of walking ability. The T25-FWis similar to the Ambulation Index, but while the T25-FW measures the time needed to complete the task, the Ambulation Index uses a clinical rating of a performance category. When administering the 25-FTW, patients are allowed to use assistive devices (canes, crutches, walkers). In addition special instructions are provided for scoring patients who are unable to complete the assessment due to severity of impairment.
Psychometric Properties
The T25-FW has high inter-rater and test-retest reliability and shows evidence of good concurrent validity

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