TCG Team observed storm survivors in Myanmar
umyintlwin umyintlwin
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 Published On Sep 7, 2008

7-Sep-2008 Myanmar

* Minister for Health Dr. Kyaw Myint received ASEAN Secretary General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan and members at the emergency out-patient unit of Yangon General Hospital Saturday. The ASEAN Secretary General expressed his satisfaction on Myanmar's constant health care services being provided to the Nargis victims in Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions, and especially the outcome of post-Nargis Joint Assessment Report. He also congratulated Myanmar's efforts on internet websites. Minister Dr. Kyaw Myint discussed that the State has upgraded the hospitals in Phyapon, BoGalay, Labutta and MawlamyaingKyun townships. He also explained the repair and reconstruction of rural health centers and future plans.

* Well-wishers are continuously donating cash and kinds for the storm survivors daily. On 5th September, Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint accepted 30 million kyats donated by the Chairman of Sinder Trust Charity (Hongkong) and party for construction of 50 permanent houses at ShweHtoo village of KyeinChaungGyi village tract in Bogale Township.

* Similarly, I Love Myanmar Co., Ltd donated 300 million kyats cash for construction of 500 penl1anent housings in Labutta township as well as Relief Coordinator World Concern Myanmar donated 22,085 US$ worth 90 sets of relief supplies, 480 blankets and 145 bags of rice for the storm victims at SinYoat village in MyaTharZeePhyu village tract of Labutta township to Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint at MayKhala Hall of Fire Service Department (Head-Office) in Mayangon Township, Yangon, who in turn gave away certificates of honour and spoke words of thanks.

* On the 6th of September, chairman of Tripartite Core Group (TCG), Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu and Secretary-General of ASEAN Dr. Surin Pitsuwan and party went to SeikKyi village of Kungyangon township, Yangon Division and Toe village of Dedaye' township in Ayeyarwedy Division to oversee the progress of implementation of Community Based Early Recovery Programmes.
The team observed the renovation works of the village primary school and spoke words of encouragement to the teachers and the students. They also looked into betel leaves plantations and the wells, constructed by the TCG. They next proceeded to the launching ceremony of two new boats at SeikKyi watercourse and visited the boat construction works site in SeikKyi village and observed the construction works. They then met with the villagers and explained the arrangements continued to provide for the storm survivors by the TCG. Mr. Suichi Ohno, Executive Director from Nippon Foundation also donated 6,000 US$ to the community heads from (4) villages for reconstruction of housing project. Deputy Minister U Kyaw Thu and wife as well as Thai Ambassador to Myanmar and wife also donated clothes to the villagers and cash for renovation of damaged buildings.

* Chairman of TCG U Kyaw Thu, ASEAN Secretary-General and reporters from ASEAN State media and press later observed all round rehabilitation works being carried out at TawKhaYan village tract and also inquired about what they want to know to the villagers. They next visited Toe village in Dedaye' township and observed systematic establishment of new village and housings, constructed for the storm survivors, fishing boats and fishing gears and grocery shops. They also interviewed with the villagers and then arrived back Yangon at 3:00 PM.

Excerpts from MRTV-3 news on7-Sep-2008 -3 news

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