Brexit and Reform UK under the microscope
Peter Cook Peter Cook
1.26K subscribers

 Published On Jun 20, 2024

I asked a simple question about NIgel Farage and racism at the KMTV hustings. The response from Reform UK shows them up for what they are ... at the same time it reveals the positions of The Labour, Lib Dems and Green parties on the issue of Brexit. The local candidates are all fine people, but their party positions on Brexit are either an illusion (Labour), unworkable in their current form (Lib Dem) and lacking in urgency (Green). The Tories are a busted flush having broken Britain by Brexit.

Brexit is costing the earth. £100bn EVERY year and £40bn in lost revenue. All money that could be put to work to fix our NHS, reduce the cost of food and cost of living, fix education, social care and much more. The nation may not want to talk about Brexit but we must if we are even to start to talk about recovery and growth.

We need better. We need an independent voice. Vote for Peter Cook on July 4th.

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Peter Cook, Independent

Peter is a self-made Medway-born business-person and professional speaker, from Gillingham. He is standing Stan the cat for election, on the basis that it could do no worse than Rehman ‘n’ Rishi. Although this sounds mad, Peter is deadly serious about the need for a better Medway and better politics. Peter’s policies include:

• Expand the Medway Tunnel for bicycle and pedestrian use, to boost the Medway economy.
• End Brexit chaos. Apply to Rejoin the EU, to reclaim our seat at the top table, improve trade and our place in the world. Brexit created 4.5% GDP loss to Britain. Our cost of living crisis has its roots in Brexit, like trying to swim the channel with a 4.5kg block of concrete around your neck. We cannot grow Britain without addressing the Brexit elephant (cat) in the room.
• Restore broken Medway communities. No new houses without infrastructure: doctors; schools; hubs; pubs etc. Rethink town centres, rather than letting them wither.
• Prosecute criminal MPs and water companies. Justice for Post Office workers, contaminated blood victims, WASPI women etc.
• Convert the Great Lines to a giant litter tray … oh wait a minute, they already are … let’s green and clean up our towns instead.

Vote for Peter if you are fed up with political incompetence and incontinence, just fed up with politics and politicians in general, or think Britain needs a reboot. As an independent, I have no party to serve, just people who deserve a better Medway.


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