Valaisia Brass Band - Other Lives - Oliver Waespi
Valaisia Brass Band Valaisia Brass Band
579 subscribers

 Published On Dec 19, 2021

Valaisia Brass Band
Conductor : Arsène Duc
Own choice : Other Lives by the swiss composer Oliver Waespi was a piece commissioned by the Valaisia Brass Band. The dark chords at the beginning of the piece come from 'Der Doppelgänger', a late song by Franz Schubert. After a brief development, the music speeds up and finds its own form, gradually moving away from the introduction. The entire first part, 'Rage', has a very excited character. The following 'Reflection' returns to the initial chord progression before isolated solos explore time and space at a slower tempo. After a brief climax, the music quiets down even more, making way for the third part: 'Redemption'. Here, a wide sound field develops, containing a distant allusion to another song by Schubert ('Rückblick'). After this farewell, an abstract musical transformation triggers an emotional change. The somber motifs of the beginning are now reversed, creating a brighter harmonic environment. Moreover, in the last part of the piece, 'Renewal', the tense mood of the first part transforms into a strong energy.

Swiss Brass Band Championship 2019 Montreux
Results : 1st place

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