Tibetan Buddhism Martsang Kagyu Tibetan Buddhism Martsang Kagyu
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 Published On Dec 20, 2023

恭喜瑪倉噶舉英國佛教中心 (MKUKBC) 榮獲 2023 年傑出宗教慈善社區貢獻獎!!

這裡是英國倫敦皇家醫學會內所舉辦的2023年傑出宗教慈善團體社區貢獻獎頒獎會場. 在英國,宗教是開放自由平等,概約有49,881登記宗教慈善團體,包含佛教,基督教, 印度教等等。這次倫敦宗教機構經過層層嚴格的評估, 很高興我們的瑪倉噶舉英國佛教中心,榮獲今年度傑出社區貢獻獎.

瑪倉噶舉英國佛教中心由尊貴的 瑪倉法王 第十二世貢日噶瑪仁波切所創立,我們佛教中心遵循已有857年歷史藏傳佛教瑪倉噶舉的傳承,我們的傳承理論與實修並重,在瑪倉法王 第十二世貢日噶瑪仁波切敦敦教誨之下, 我們有條理有次第的學習甚深得顯法與密法並閉關實修。我們佛教中心亦透過教授、研討會、公開演講、心諮詢、法會與各系禪修,在英國各地傳播快樂佛法,造福大眾,促進心理健康和福祉。

1. 佛法教授的動機是不帶偏見或評判的利益一切眾生。這是我們傳承與傳承內所有中心的原則。瑪倉噶舉英國佛教中心提供每週五次免費禪修課程,開放給任何背景、宗教、種族文化的所有人,增進社區居民的心理健康和福祉,課程以三種語言包括英語、華語和波蘭語授課以饒益更多眾生。


2. 實現這些益處的主要方法是幫助學生學習新羅輯思考讓學生有更寬廣的視野、進而開放心胸。
為期三年半多的“Martsang LamRim”課程,在瑪倉法王貢日噶瑪仁波切的教導下,以源於印度和西藏的佛教古老教義為基礎輔以傳承上師修行經驗口傳,從初學到學術以及深入的實修都有非常全面和詳細教導。這是一次真正改變生活的深刻體驗,這課程將改變你對自己、環境和目標的看法。對每個學生來說,該學生與家人、朋友和同事之間的多種關係都會產生深遠的次要影響,對於每一個能夠減少憤怒和培養愛的人來說,透過與社區中成千上萬的人的無數互動,整個社區都會感受到影響。

在過去 3 年裡,透過瑪倉法王貢日噶瑪仁波切與瑪倉老師們的引導,學生學會了將佛法運用在生活中。世界上很少有地方能讓學生從真正的傳承持有者、有成就的上師和修行者那裡獲得證悟的完整指導。
3. 瑪倉噶舉中心的課程以起源於印度的古老教義和西藏豐富的文化和歷史遺產為基礎。瑪倉噶舉保存著許多稀有的手稿和文物,並致力於保存這些重要的教義。雖然從歷史的角度來看這很重要,但這些深刻的教義仍然一如既往地具有現實意義,這些深廣丰富精神文化百川入海緩解現代城市生活的壓力和孤立。


台灣聯絡郵件信箱:[email protected]

Congratulations to Martsang Kagyu UK Buddhist Centre (MKUKBC)
on winning an award in the Community Contribution for Outstanding
Religious Charitable Groups 2023 Awards.

In the U.K. religions, for instance Buddhism, Christianity,Hinduism and so on, are open, free, and equal. There are 49,881 faith-based charities registered in England and Wales, of which over 2,200 are based in London. We are delighted to announce MKUKBC has been commended with an award in this year’s 2023 Community Contribution for Outstanding Religious Charitable Groups Awards.

Martsang Kagyu UK Buddhist Centre (MKUKBC) was established by His Holiness Gangri Karma Rinpoche, who is the lineage holder of the Martsang Kagyu tradition and a Buddhist scholar. The Centre follows the Martsang Kagyu of Tibetan Buddhism, founded 857 years ago. For over 10 years, His Holiness Gangri Karma Rinpoche has spread joyful Dharma for the benefit of the public through lectures, seminars, public talking and meditation to promote mental health and wellbeing. MKUKBC seeks to benefit all people in the community without prejudice or judgement.

There are many unique aspects to the Martsang Kagyu UK Buddhist Centre that bring sustainable benefit to the community. Two key aspects contributing to our recognition for the award are as follows:
1. Our study programme is based on ancient teachings that originated in India and a rich cultural tradition in Tibet. The three- and half-year Diploma course called the ‘Martsang LamRim’ taught by His Holiness Gangri Karma Rinpoche is a unique studying system which includes teachings, exams, debates, and retreats. This course is extremely comprehensive and detailed, commencing from a beginner level up to an academic standard, supported with in-depth actual practices to enable students to transform their minds and open their hearts. There are very few places in the world where a student can receive a full guide to the achievement of enlightenment from an authentic lineage-holder and accomplished teacher and practitioner.

2. Meditation is a simple, fast, and easy way to improve both physical and mental health and wellbeing. Regular practice has been shown to positively impact problems such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, and trauma, as well as aid self-development through improving productivity, confidence, emotional stability, and relationships. Our teachers are fully trained in creating a friendly, warm, and open environment, and helping students to integrate the practices for their own specific circumstances.

The pandemic was a unique moment in history, where many people felt loneliness and anxiety like never before. Being able to calm one’s mind through mindfulness meditation requires precise instructions. It is a fantastic achievement that Martsang Kagyu UK Buddhist Centre was able to teach so many people how to meditate correctly to alleviate the mental health issues arising during that time. On the other hand, we have more responsibility to continue to provide the best service for communities as we can.

The Ceremony to receive this wonderful award was held on 21st November 2023 at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, UK and was attended by His Holiness and representatives from MKUKBC.

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