[Trailer] 赶尸惊魂之邪王重生 Devil Reborn | Chinese Fantasy Action film HD
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 Published On Jun 30, 2024

故事簡介: 魔幻動作電影 《趕屍驚魂 2 邪王重生 Walking Dead Master 2》講述 天姬 和 雷震子 與邪王 一戰,雙雙殞命之後,邪王也只剩三層功力,再無蹤跡。警方探員阿仁在一次破案中遇見殭屍,所幸被天姬的徒弟天情所救。施工現場出土的千年古屍,成為邪王、天情和警方爭奪的焦點,邪王在妖女羅蘭的幫助下,奪得千年古屍,並欲借千年古屍增強功力,而天情只有找到遺失雷劍。與她繼承的天劍合璧,才能阻止邪王…

Synopsis: The Fantasy Action Movie "Reborn Evil King 邪王重生" is the second episode of "A Girl Master of Walking Dead 趕屍驚魂" series movies. In the final battle of last episode, Tian Ji and Lei Zhenzi all died, the Evil King only preserved his 30% power and disappeared. An agent A'Ren faces Zombies in a case, Fortunately he is saved by Tian Qing, An apprentice of Tian Ji. The Evil King takes an an cocient oundse which is to strenth his power, with the help of Rolan. Tian Qing and A'Ren must find the lost Lei Sword and practise the skill of Two Swords Combination to defeat the Evil King...

出品發行 Studio: 安徽鼎興 Ding Xing Film.
導演 Directed by: 薛少 Xue Shao.
主演 Starring: 劉小喬 Liu Xiaoqiao, 何佳偉 He Jiawei, 吳優 Wu You, 王婭 Wang Ya.
題材 Genres: #魔幻 #fantasy #動作 #action #WalkingDead

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