Aviation – Avoid Warming Contrails, Now! (ZDF/3sat, NANO, 08.05.2024)
Dieter Scholz Dieter Scholz
662 subscribers

 Published On May 8, 2024

Aviation – Avoid Warming Contrails, Now!

NANO: Problem Contrails --- Contrails are Climate Killers

!!! English and German Subtitles Available !!!

The aviation industry will miss the climate targets by a huge margin. In addition to the CO2 emissions caused by global air traffic, contrails also have a harmful effect on the climate.

Contrails are anthropogenic, i.e. man-made clouds. They have a warming effect (especially at night) because they prevent heat radiation from the Earth from reaching space. Contrails are an important factor in the climate impact of aircraft. But how can these contrails be avoided? Solutions already exist! They could be deployed immediately, but the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the umbrella organization for airlines, is trying to prevent this by lobbying the EU ...

3sat, NANO, Germany, broadcast on 08.05.2024

Das Manuskript zur Sendung (mit Anmerkungen) – Manuscript Translated to English
https://purl.org/aero/M2024-05-08 (PDF)

Production: Markus Steinhausen, Journalist & Produzent AV-Medien (  / steinhausen-markus-625482a0  )

Idea and scientific advice: Prof. Dr. Dieter Scholz (http://www.ProfScholz.de)

Moderation: Yve Fehring, ZDF (https://presseportal.zdf.de/biografie...)

Chief of Service (CvD): Gregor Steinbrenner, ZDF (https://www.zdf.de/3sat/nano/gregor-s...)

Interviews with (in chronological order):
Prof. Dr. Ing. Dieter Scholz, HAW Hamburg (  / profscholz  )
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christiane Voigt, DLR (https://www.dlr.de/de/pa/ueber-uns/ab...)
Dr. Klaus Gierens, DLR
Sergio Ramos, group spokesman, DFS (https://www.dfs.de/homepage/de/medien...)
Raimund Zopp, CEO, Flightkeys (  / raimund-zopp-2a8259b  )

The start image of the YouTube video is based on a graphic from https://contrails.org

More contributions from Steinhausen & Scholz:
   • Steinhausen / Scholz – Unsere Beiträge  

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