TOPPP Super Renyah: Resep Ayam Goreng Kriuk Kriuk Shihlin Taiwan
Devina Hermawan Devina Hermawan
3.59M subscribers

 Published On Sep 11, 2019

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Street food khas Taiwan ini pasti sudah gak asing lagi, hampir di tiap mall di kota-kota besar di Indonesia selalu ada gerai Shihlin. Jajanan unik ini berbahan dasar dari ayam yang dibalut dengan tepung super renyah. Ternyata “Crispy Chicken Taiwan” bisa kita buat sendiri lho di rumah. Harga lebih terjangkau dan dijamin bikin ketagihan!

00:49 : persiapan bahan
03:27 : mulai membuat tepung pelapis krispi
08:43 : mulai menggoreng
09:11 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating

Resep Crispy Chicken Taiwan

1 pasang dada ayam
1 sdt bubuk ngo hiong
2 sdt bawang putih
2 sdt chicken powder / kaldu ayam (menggunakan merk knorr)
1 sdt garam
1 sdt lada
1 sdm tepung terigu
1 sdm tepung maizena
Air secukupnya
1 butir telur

Bahan tepung pelapis:
Tepung tapioka

Bahan taburan:
Bubuk ngo hiong dan chicken powder (perbandingannya 1:3)
Chili powder sesuai selera

1. Fillet dada ayam
2. Masukkan bawang putih, chicken powder, ngo hiong, garam, lada, tepung terigu, tepung maizena, dan air. Campur hingga merata
3. Bungkus dengan plastic wrap dan diamkan sekitar 30-120 menit
4. Masukkan telur, aduk hingga merata
5. Lumuri ayam dengan tepung pelapis (krispi) hingga merata
6. Goreng hingga kering
7. Taburi dengan bumbu pedas
8. Siap disajikan

Langkah membuat tepung pelapis (krispi):
1. Masukkan tepung tapioka
2. Tambahkan air hingga tekstur tepung menjadi padat dan tidak berair
3. Hancurkan tepung menggunakan garpu
4. Pertama, saring menggunakan saringan kasar
5. Kedua, saring menggunakan saringan halus
6. Panggang di oven dengan suhu 100 derajat selama 12-15 menit
7. Tepung siap digunakan



SUPER Crispy: Shihlin Taiwanese Crispy Fried Chicken Recipe

You must be familiar with this Taiwanese street food because there's at least one stall of Shihlin in nearly all the malls in Indonesia's large cities. This unique snack uses chicken that is coated with super crunchy flour. It turns out we can make this "Taiwanese Crispy Chicken" at home. It's more budget-friendly and guaranteed to make you want more!

Taiwanese Crispy Chicken Recipe

1 chicken breast
1 tsp Ngo hiang powder
2 tsp garlic
2 tsp chicken powder / stock powder (Brand used: Knorr)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tbsp cornstarch
Water as needed
1 egg

Coating ingredients:
Tapioca flour

Ngo hiang powder and chicken powder (1:3 ratio)
Chili powder, as needed

1. Fillet the chicken breast.
2. Add garlic, chicken powder, Ngo hiang powder, salt, pepper, all-purpose flour, cornstarch, and water. Mix well.
3. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 30-120 minutes.
4. Add the egg and mix well.
5. Coat the chicken with the crispy coating evenly.
6. Fry until crispy.
7. Sprinkle with the toppings.
8. Ready to serve.

Steps to make the crispy coating:
1. Add tapioca flour.
2. Add some water until the flour becomes firm in texture and not watery.
3. Crumble the flour with a fork.
4. First, sift with the large strainer.
5. Second, sift with the fine mesh strainer.
6. Bake in the oven at 100°C for 12-15 minutes.
7. Crispy coating is ready to use.


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We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks. Its official website can be found at

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