3 Years Sober Today - Quit Drinking Alcohol Quit Drugs For Real - My Experience and Thoughts
JakesShowcase JakesShowcase
36.1K subscribers

 Published On Mar 7, 2013

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3 Years Sober Today. How To Get 3 Years Sober. My Experience And Thoughts.
Well today March 7 2013 I am three years sober. I thought I would explain how I did it with a video. In this video I go step by step through the initial getting sober process explaining the very significant withdrawal symptoms I experience, the things I have tried and the things that I have found to be successful. This video is meant to encourage people struggling to overcome alcohol and drug addiction and to assist people who are trying to help someone they know and love to overcome alcohol and drug addiction. I talk about rehabs, AA, councilors and drinking myself to homelessness. This is a real video with real experience.
I feel that I had actually quit drinking before I had stopped drinking. I knew that the next time I stopped that was it. I had said it before but the longest period of continuous sobriety I had had was one year. The reason I had gotten one year was to prove to others that I could do it. When addicted to alcohol or drugs we have to convince people that we are going to quit and prove this by attending AA, councilors, rehabs or a variety of other methods and techniques that can be identified by others as proof that you are trying to quit. But the truth is that we love drinking alcohol or doing our drugs and we always will. I use the analogy of meat and a dog, the dog will always love the meat and to convince them otherwise is impossible.
I talk about the period of time called the pink cloud of sobriety this is the period of after about a month to two months when the initial physical withdrawals stop where the person feels like they can do anything and feel really empowered. They feel they can take on the world and take on so many things and maybe do all the things they never got a chance to, get in shape, get a job and make the money, go back to school. Often at this point the person gets a bit of money and believes that they can drink again. Maybe this time just a bit or a bit more but not like last time, just make a few adjustments. But us with experience start to know that we want to rock and roll and party because we love it the life and the vibe that comes with the drink and drugs. We really know it will never just be a little. And after that period of feeling really good you hit a wall. Like oh, things haven't changed that much. Your still you in your situation. Same job, same relationship problems same everything really and the drink look really attractive again.
I talk about birthdays and holidays like Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving and Labor day as major obstacles to overcome. Not to mention bars. In my first job after getting sober it was very high stress getting yelled at all the time and the major bars in the city were right outside as soon as I left, and that's where the ladies are it was very hard.
I talk about the differences for men and women, explaining that men usually turn to a life of crime and women usually something to do with their bodies in order to get the money for their alcohol or drugs. For women quitting drinking may even be harder because they have more pressure to keep up their appearances like nothing is wrong because society has trained them to present a certain image. With men the macho culture allows them to let themselves go more readily because it like me or not this is who I am is more acceptable but it is very hard for both men and women.
I try to as succinctly as possible nail the secret to my quitting drinking by saying that if you can remember a time where you were sober and a time you were drunk you have a choice you can make. And no matter what type of grip and power that the alcohol or the drugs have on you may say to you, you do get to choose and you have to recognize that.
I use to be opposed to AA, Rehabs and councilors but now believe that anything that a person does including going to church to be used in order to stay sober. I encourage the use of all tool and resources available as long as it works for that person. The most important person in this journey is you and while the odds are daunting and I make it very clear that the road will be very hard, it can be done. Will I ever drink again? I do not believe so, but it is possible, you never know things change and therefore you have to keep your focus on it. I hope that this video inspires and encourages at lease one person. By Jake Johnston

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