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 Published On Oct 10, 2021

This restaurant is precisely located in Ngargoretno Village, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). As the name suggests, this restaurant with a hexagonal-shaped building was built right in the Menoreh hills area which is shaped like a cone.
The restaurant, which just opened in May 2021, was built by musician Erix Soekamto. He explained that the name Tumpeng Menoreh comes from the combination of a hill that looks like a cone and Menoreh as its location.
"Why is it called Tumpeng Menoreh? Because we have an icon on the back hill that looks like a cone. It looks like a cone. Then, Menoreh is because it is located in the hills of Menoreh," said Erix. Javanese people are grateful," he added.
I hope that the name Tumpeng Menoreh can be a good prayer and gratitude for everyone. Not alone, in building this place, Erix also involved the local community and youth called the Gelangprojo community.
He explained that he wanted to develop Braceletprojo tourism to assist local communities in raising tourism potential in their area. Braceletprojo is a tourist area located in three districts at once, namely Magelang, Kulon Progo and Purworejo. "So we, as Braceletprojo, make zones independently, yes, that means independent community movements without government assistance. Our self-help is moving everything. We make zones so that they don't collide, there is no central ego, everything can synergize by creating zones according to their potential," said Eric.
Erix said that Tumpeng Menoreh relies on the natural beauty around the restaurant to invite diners. Mainly, the charm of the sunrise. "In the morning, this is the sunrise champion. So, you don't need so much treatment to serve visitors because the sunrise here is amazing
While during the day visitors can eat food while enjoying the view of Menoreh Hill and three majestic mountains in Java, namely Mount Merapi, Merbabu, and Sindoro-Sumbing. "So the experience of eating at an altitude of 950 masl (meters above sea level), with a 360-degree view, we can see views of three large mountains in Java," said Erix.
When the sun goes down and it gets dark, it's time for Tumpeng Menoreh to turn on its colorful lights. Visitors can still relax and take selfies while watching the view of the sparkling city lights at night from the top of the hill accompanied by a cool breeze.
"We are open 24 hours, so at night there are city lights and the design of the building we play with the lights too. So it's still good for people to hang out, take photos, and enjoy the city lights," said Erix.
If visiting Tumpeng Menoreh, visitors need to pay a ticket of IDR 50,000. Later, visitors get vouchers to be exchanged for existing food or drinks. Interestingly, Erix said that the food and drinks served to the visitors were made from the kitchens of women in Gelangprojo. This is done to develop the potential of local residents who are experts in cooking.
"So the women who cook the menu are around Gelangprojo. We will first provide assistance for cooking," said Erix. The food served is of course traditional food, including vegetable lodeh, catfish, sesame honey chicken, grilled tilapia, and others.
The route to the location of Tumpeng Menoreh
Erix further explained, to go to the location of Tumpeng Menoreh, visitors are advised to come from Yogyakarta. This is because road access in Yogyakarta is better and sloping, and the roads are also quite large. He explained, from the city of Yogyakarta, visitors can direct their vehicles towards Dekso. The journey will take 15 minutes.
After that, visitors can walk straight to Plono Market for about half an hour. From there they can continue their journey to Tumpeng Menoreh which takes about 15 minutes. "So just follow the main road, there are no turns. The overall travel time is about an hour if you take a leisurely walk," said Erix.
Future plans Erix revealed that he is currently planning the development of Tumpeng Menoreh in the future. Starting from building private rooms, lodging, and training to make rice cone.
"Because as time goes by, it turns out that there are indeed many inputs from visitors regarding the needs that must be added. Like the deck below, the view is really good. Then we don't have a private room, so we will make it again later," he said.
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