Sufrianto 2020 Sufrianto 2020
596 subscribers

 Published On Premiered Mar 20, 2019

Basic life assistance is an effort made to keep the airway open, support breathing and circulation and without using assistive devices. This effort must begin by correctly identifying the state of cardiac arrest or stopping breathing and immediately providing circulation and ventilation assistance.
Signs of cardiac arrest, causes of cardiac arrest, pulmonary heart resuscitation

The purpose of this Basic Life Aid is to provide assistance to quickly maintain oxygen supply to the brain, heart and other vital organs while awaiting further treatment. Experience shows that pulmonary heart resuscitation will be successful especially in a state of 'cardiac arrest' that is witnessed where resuscitation is immediately carried out by people who are around the victim.

To provide this we also need to recognize the signs of cardiac arrest and stop breathing. The following are the hallmarks of cardiac arrest criteria:
Awareness is lost (in 15 seconds after cardiac arrest).
Not palpable beats of large arteries (femoral and carotid in adults or brachial in infants).
Stop breathing or gasping.
Looks like death (death like appearance)
Pale to gray skin color.
Pupil dilates (after 45 seconds).

This method in voucher is using the DRCAB method
1. Danger (danger)
Make sure the area is safe for help, other people and victims
Don't be the next victim
2. Response (response)
-Check the level of awareness, conscious / unconscious using the AVPU method (alert / conscious, voice / with voice, pain / with pain stimulation, unresponsive / not responding)
do it by being called and tapped
-if aware, lay down the victim in the recovery / recovery position and call for medical assistance
-If the victim is unconscious, immediately call for medical assistance and immediately apply CPR
3. Chest Compression
Do CPR immediately (Pulmonary Cardiac Resuscitation, do the emphasis with a ratio of 30 x chest compressions with a speed of 100 x per minute, a depth of 5 cm.
4. Airway (airway)
Open the airway (head tilt chin lift)
5. Breathing (breathing)
Give 2 breath aids
Continue CPR / CPR

Perform CPR continuously until there is:
you are exhausted
medical assistance came
there are signs of life

CPR by two first aid officers:
just like a first aid officer, only one does chest compressions, while the other does mouth-to-mouth breathing

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