Traditional English Village of Sonning - a tour around a medieval village in Berkshire, England
Mike Bogatyrev Mike Bogatyrev
3.67K subscribers

 Published On May 7, 2020

This video is about a traditional English village of Sonning. Enjoy this little tour with me!

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#cottages #Architecture #England #Berkshire #Thames #Jeromekjerome #culture #englishvillage #pub

Camera: Vera Bogatyreva, Mike Bogatyrev
Editing: Mike Bogatyrev

"hello again and today we are in the village of Sonning summing I was always a very prosperous village now it was registered in 1086 and Doomsday Book and at a time its population was a whopping of 330 people can you imagine that! 330 people right Sonning served as a very important stopping point on the river and mass in hospitality sector so people who were coming by boats and
travellers used to stop in these inns and cottages most buildings you see kind of date between 12 16th century that's why they're quite small once upon a time this used to be a pump but not anymore
for obvious reasons now it turned into a local historic attraction a lot of villages in England had little bits like that decorated and kept to celebrate the history this really is a quintessential English village it's very hidden it doesn't have many tourists around and it certainly is amazingly beautiful as well
there's an interesting thing about cottages historically the ground floor didn't actually have a floor per se it was covered in straw whereas floor was on the form on the floor above well the bedrooms were so you can imagine that when the wind is strong was really old and and overused so to speak
people put more straw that's why was called the ground floor and you can see that it's considerably
top floor above it this church behind me Church of St Andrew has been erected on the place of former pagan worship the actual village is so old that dates all the way back to Neolithic era when stone circles were found around Charvil era which is not so far from here I love this gate nothing is
ever straightforward you have to sort of go around but it's brilliant very intricate depending on where you are from in the world the relationship with cemeteries is always different I am from Russia and in Russia cemetery is the last place you want to take a walk in whereas in England it's it's almost like
a place where people enjoy their time passing by and doing the wonderful sunshine this chart behind isn't Andrews church the bishops of Salisbury had a great connection with village of Sonning they
even built a Bishop's Palace in the village it's a very English thing and it's a very beautiful thing that a lot of benches have memorial elements to them you sit down you relax and then you remember this person who in the memory of whom the benches is placed I think little touches like really wonderful and this this anymore but originally it was used to clean your shoes like so you'd have a lot of dirt
accumulated as you walk around and this was the way to to clean your shoes before you enter this check this door out look at how narrow it is thin it is like a secret passage I have no idea what this particular door is being used for I'm not exactly a 6 foot tall person I'm a regular average guy but look how small it is you can see in the cottage behind me these black beams now these in many many cases these beams were taken from old broken ships it takes just over an hour to get from
London to Sonning if you're driving obviously do bear in mind traffic conditions the village is very small that's why you can explore it relatively quickly however you could also enjoy a really nice walk by the river and a meal in a pub thank you very much for joining me on this walk in Sonning please like share and subscribe to my channel if you want to see more videos like this and until next time Thursday 7 or cochineal in British Standard Time bye bye"

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