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 Published On Nov 27, 2021

Kako ste?
How are you?
Vrlo dobro.
Very well.
Dobro došli u Pariz.
Welcome to Paris.
Mogu li vam pomoći?
Can i help you?
Imam rezervaciju.
I have a reservation.
Vaše ime, molim?
May i have your name?
Zaboravio sam svoje ime!
I forgot my name!
Imate li slobodnu sobu?
Do you have a room free?
Da. Imam jednu sobu slobodnu.
Yes. I have a single room free.
Uzet ću je.
I will take it.
Evo ključa.
Here is the key.
Na kojem katu je soba?
What floor is the room on?
Peti kat.
The fifth floor.
Postoji li dizalo?
Is there an elevator?
Da. Odmah iza vas.
Yes. Just behind you.
Koliko je daleko plaža?
How far is the beach?
Pet minuta hoda.
Five minutes walk.
Kako da dođem do tamo?
How do i get there?
Prođite kroz ona vrata.
Go through those doors.
Koliko to košta?
How much does it cost?
Pedeset eura.
Fifty euros.
To je preskupo.
That is too expensive.
Imam jeftinije.
I have a cheaper one.
Pijesak je vruć!
The sand is hot!
Peče me za stopala!
It burns my feet!
Let’s run!
Zdravo. Moje ime je Thomas.
Hello. My name is Thomas.
Drago mi je što sam vas upoznao.
I am pleased to meet you.
Meni je drago.
The pleasure is mine.
To je bio sjajan dan.
That was a great day.
Stvarno sam uživao.
I really enjoyed it.
Sutra će biti zabavno.
Tomorrow will be fun.
Hajdemo spavati.
Let’s go to sleep.
Pada kiša.
It is raining.
Kada će prestati?
When will it stop?
Ovo poslijepodne.
This afternoon.
Let’s have a nap!
Volim kišu.
I love the rain.
Volim te.
I love you.
I ja tebe volim.
I love you too.
Hoćeš li se udati za mene?
Will you marry me?
Izađimo na večeru.
Let’s go out to diner.
U restoran.
To a restaurant.
Koji restoran?
Which restaurant?
Smiješan si.
You are funny.
Sladak si.
You are sweet.
Hajdemo na piće.
Let’s have a drink.
Sa zadovoljstvom.
With pleasure.
Vrlo je toplo.
It is very warm.
Želiš li plivati?
Would you like to swim?
Ne. Sjednimo u hlad.
No. Let’s sit in the shade.
Dobra ideja.
Good idea.
U ovom restoranu je mnogo ljudi.
This restaurant is busy.
Moramo čekati stol.
We must wait for a table.
Neće trebati dugo.
It won’t be long.
Nadam se da ne.
I hope not.
Što biste željeli pojesti?
What would you like to eat?
A pizza.
Kakvu pizzu?
What kind of pizza?
S povrćem.
With vegetables.
Želio bih unajmiti automobil.
I would like to rent a car.
Mali ili veliki?
Small or large?
Mali, molim.
Small please.
Na koliko dugo?
For how much time?
U koje vrijeme je doručak?
What time is breakfast?
Od osam do deset.
From eight to ten.
Gdje se poslužuje doručak?
Where is breakfast served?
Prva vrata s lijeve strane.
First door on your left.
Do kada radite?
What time do you close?
Do deset sati.
Ten o’clock.
To je kasno.
That is late.
Savršeno je.
It is perfect.
Doći ćemo opet ovdje.
We will come here again.
Nadam se.
I hope so.
Bilo je ukusno.
It was delicious.
Desert je bio ukusan.
Dessert was delicious.
Imaš li ključ?
Do you have the key?
U mom džepu je.
It is in my pocket.
Mislio sam da smo ga izgubili.
I thought we lost it.
Sigurno je.
It is safe.
Vozi brže.
Drive faster.
Ne. To je opasno.
No. That is dangerous.
Propustit ćemo vlak.
We will miss our train.
Nećemo kasniti.
We will not be late.
Molim te, uspori.
Please slow down.
Ne osjećam se dobro.
I don't feel good.
Gotovo smo stigli.
We are almost there.
Povraćat ću.
I am going to be sick.
Gladan sam.
I am hungry.
Žedan sam.
I am thirsty.
Stanimo i pojedimo nešto.
Let’s stop and eat.
Za pola sata.
In a half hour.
Koliko to košta?
How much does it cost?
Pedeset eura.
Fifty euros.
Uzet ću dva, molim.
I will take two please.
To je sto eura.
That will be one hundred euros.
Kamo da idemo?
Where should we go?
Idemo na jug.
Let’s go south.
Hoćemo li ići vlakom?
Shall we take the train?
Ne. Unajmimo automobil.
No. Let us rent a car.
Kako lijepo!
How beautiful!
Kao ti!
Like you!
Laskaš mi.
You flatter me.
Uživam u tome.
I enjoy it.
Povezimo se brodom.
Let’s take a boat ride.
Jedan polazi u podne.
There is one at noon.
Kupit ću ulaznice.
I will buy the tickets.
Kupit ću ručak.
I will buy lunch.
Voda je tako plava!
The water is so blue!
Nebo je plavo!
The sky is blue!
Sve je plavo!
Everything is blue!
I slano!
And salty!
Ostanimo ovdje zauvijek.
Let’s stay here forever.
Volio bih da mogu ostati.
I wish I could stay.
Moraš li otići?
Must you leave?
Odlazim za jedan tjedan.
I leave in one week.
Vidimo se za šest mjeseci.
I will see you in six months.
To je predugo!
That is too long!
Vidimo se za šest tjedana.
I will see you in six weeks.
To je bolje.
That is better.
U cipelama mi je pijesak.
I have sand in my shoes.
Istresi ih.
Empty them.
Već jesam.
I already did.
Operi cipele.
Wash your shoes.
Trebam novu odjeću.
I need new clothes.
Ova je pretopla.
These are too warm.
Izgleda lijepo.
They look pretty.
Želite li desert?
Would you like dessert?
Samo račun, molim.
Just the bill please.
Možete platiti na šalteru.
You can pay at the counter.
Thank you.
Gdje je kupaonica?

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