十分钟的西班牙历史 - 西班牙旅游专用 | History of Spain in 10 Minutes
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 Published On Sep 6, 2024

十分钟的西班牙历史。给我十分钟时间(好吧,十三分钟),带你了解西班牙的历史。 这样去西班牙旅游,玩得更有意思。西班牙历史悠久,从伊比利亚人,凯尔特人,腓尼基人,希腊人,迦太基人,到罗马人,西哥特人,到哈布斯堡家族,波旁家族,都在西班牙留下了他们的印记。这个视频涵盖很多历史事件和人物,从早期西班牙历史,罗马迦太基布匿战争,西哥特人建国,摩尔人入侵,基督徒收复失地,天主教双王,到哈布斯堡查理五世,波旁王朝,佛朗哥,一直到现在的君主立宪菲利佩六世。


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0:00 西班牙历史开篇 Spanish History Introduction
0:45 早期历史 Early Spanish History
3:25 罗马时期 Roman Hispania
4:47 西哥特人 Visigothic People
5:45 伊斯兰摩尔人统治Islamic/Moorish Rule
8:09 基督徒收复失地Reconquista
9:42 加泰罗尼亚Catalonia
10:25 西班牙帝国和哈布斯堡家族Spanish Empire and Habsburg
11:40 波旁王朝的西班牙 House of Bourbon in Spain
12:24 近代西班牙 Recent History

A 10-Minute History of Spain (Well, 13 Minutes). Give me 10 minutes, and I'll take you through the history of Spain. With this, your trip to Spain will be even more interesting. Spain has a long history, from the Iberians, Celts, Phoenicians, Greeks, and Carthaginians, to the Romans, Visigoths, Habsburgs, and Bourbons—all have left their mark on Spain. This video covers many historical events and figures, from early Spanish history, the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage, the establishment of the Visigothic Kingdom, the Moorish invasion, the Christian Reconquista, the Catholic Monarchs, to the Habsburg Charles V, the Bourbon dynasty, Franco, and up to the present-day constitutional monarchy under Felipe VI.

#西班牙历史 #spain

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