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 Published On Aug 19, 2024

#資産形成 の方法: #預金 と #投資
預金: 銀行や信用金庫にお金を預ける方法で、リスクは低いですが利回りも低めです。
投資: 株式や投資信託などにお金を出し、利益を期待する方法です。
#インカムゲイン : 資産保有中に得られる収益。例として、株式の配当金、債券の利子、投資信託の分配金、不動産の家賃収入があります。
#キャピタルゲイン : 資産の売却によって得られる収益。例えば、100万円で購入した株式を110万円で売却した場合の10万円の利益です。反対に、売却価格が購入価格を下回るとキャピタルロス(損失)が発生します。
#投資信託 ( #NISA ): 専門家に運用を任せられる金融商品。NISA口座で税金がかからない。
#外貨預金 : 外国通貨で預金し、高利回りが期待できるが為替変動の影響を受ける。
#生命保険 : 解約返戻金や満期保険金が受け取れる貯蓄型保険。
個人型確定拠出年金(iDeCo): 定額を積み立て、60歳以降に給付金を受け取る私的年金制度。
#国債 : 国が発行する債券で、安全性が高い。個人向け国債は元本保証あり。
#ファンドラップ : 投資の運用を金融機関に一任するサービス。最低契約金額は高め。
#株式投資 : 株価の値上がり益や配当金を狙うが、リスクも高い。
#FX (外国為替証拠金取引): 通貨を売買して収益を得る。#レバレッジ を利用するためリスクも大きい。
#暗号資産 ( #仮想通貨 ): #ビットコイン などの電子データ。価格変動が激しく、補償がない場合もある。
#ETF ( #上場投資信託 ): 指数に連動する投資信託で、証券取引所に上場。運用管理費用が低め。
#Wealthbuilding methods: #Deposits and #Investments
There are two main ways to build assets: "deposits" and "investments".
Deposits: Depositing money in a bank or credit union, which is low risk but has a low yield.
Investment: Putting money into stocks, investment trusts, etc., and hoping for a profit.
Types of investment income
#Income gains: Income earned while holding assets. Examples include stock dividends, bond interest, investment trust distributions, and real estate rental income.
#Capital gains: Income earned from selling assets. For example, a profit of 100,000 yen when stocks purchased for 1 million yen are sold for 1.1 million yen. Conversely, if the selling price is lower than the purchase price, a capital loss occurs.
Representative investment products
Investment products handled by banks
#Investment trusts (#NISA): Financial products that can be managed by experts. No tax is levied on NISA accounts.
#Foreign currency deposits: Deposits in foreign currencies, with the potential for high returns, but are subject to exchange rate fluctuations.
#Life insurance: Savings-type insurance with cash surrender value and maturity benefits.
Individual-type defined contribution pension plan (iDeCo): A private pension system in which you save a fixed amount and receive benefits after age 60.
#Government bonds: Bonds issued by the government, with high safety. Government bonds for individuals have a principal guarantee.
#Fund wrap: A service that entrusts investment management to a financial institution. The minimum contract amount is high.
Investment products not handled by banks
#Stock investment: Aims for capital gains from stock prices and dividends, but is also high risk.
#FX (Foreign exchange margin trading): Earn profits by buying and selling currencies. Uses #leverage, so there is also a high risk.
#Crypto assets (#Virtual currencies): Electronic data such as #Bitcoin. Prices fluctuate wildly, and there are cases where compensation is not available.
#ETF (#ExchangeTradedFund): An investment trust that tracks an index and is listed on a stock exchange. Management fees are low.
Understand these investment methods and products and think about the asset formation that suits you.

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