Why Work Hard? - how to motivate yourself
Chris Croft Chris Croft
23.5K subscribers

 Published On Sep 19, 2020

I get asked quite often "Can you do a motivational talk" and I hate all that ra ra "you can do it!" hyped up type of talks, and anyway it's usually management's fault if people aren't motivated, you can't stick a plaster over it by getting me in to do a 20 minute talk - BUT, then I got to thinking, people CAN change their own destiny whatever management may or may not be doing, they CAN decide to do better - so that's what this talk is about. I hope you fine it useful for yourself, and also, if you want to show it to your team - or your whole workforce - then be my guest.

PS Want to be a freelance management trainer like me? Check out www.becometrainers.com

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