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 Published On May 31, 2022

Here it is, the big 10/10 difficulty rating!

It's only the second most broken character in the game, Daidoji! What's more, she's able to clone herself now?!(I don't know, you come up with something creative.)

This fight is utterly ridiculous. You have to deal with Daidoji's Massive health pool AND attack power. and a lot of her attacks can guard break as well. She can cover distance well with her breach art, and she's actually able to use her Ultimate Ninja Art, which WILL be trouble no matter what. If you playing defensive isn't enough, you also need to manage your team mates, since Daidoji can very easily dispatch them as well, turning the fight into a 1v5(which is basically unwinnable from then on, at least from my multiple attempts.) What's more, you need to do this TWENTY FIVE TIMES.

This is the ultimate test of endurance and strategy for this game, but it can be beaten. Some quick tips:

- Try to have at least one distance fighter for this. It's not mandatory, but it certainly helps dispatching/throwing off any of the Daidojis from a safer distance.

- Try to also bring some allies with higher health pools or defense. This fight can very easily go south incredibly quickly, so every little bit of defense or health so they can not killed as quickly matters.

- If you plan to bring any teammates that usually go frantic( Mirai, Renka, Ryona, Hibari, Minori), try and be the one playing as them. Them going frantic in this fight can very easily get them killed very fast, since one Daidoji already does enough damage WITHOUT frantic.

- Be ready for the long haul. Daidoji has some of the highest health and poise of anyone in the game, and you need to finish this in fifteen minutes. There are ways for her to very quickly kill you if you're not prepared to dodge in and out of dangerous situations.

Okay, now some things about her AI.

- Daidoji will often use her breach art to close this distance between you and her.

- She ALWAYS charges her attacks.

- She will use her LVL 2 at 50% or higher HP.

- She uses her LVL 1 below 50%.

- She uses her ultimate at 20% HP or less.

- One of the ways she can very quickly kill you is by her ground pound. See, if Daidoji is barely off the ground when she ground pounds, it will deal a lot more damage. The CPU can do this at a slightly greater height, roughly her height off the ground, let's say. BE READY FOR THIS. As seem in the video, it can shave off a ton of health instantly, and it's really hard to see coming. It's also an insta-kill if whoever was hit was frantic, in most cases(I've survived that attack with Frantic Kagura once with one Health left. Still lost but it was funny.)

- She blocks a lot. She won't put her guard down unless you go a full two seconds without attacking her. Find a way to break her guard. and it'll force her out that stance. Quickly attack her to start wearing down her poise, otherwise she may start attacking you or just begin blocking again.

- If she's blocking and transformed, NEVER try to break her guard with a LVL 1 Ninja art. She WILL retaliate with her LVL 2 or her ultimate as your animation is playing out, depending on her health.

That's about all for tips here. Sorry, but there isn't really much to give for advice in this one. There's gonna be times when multiple Daidoji's will be on you, and in that event, try to limit Burst or use a ninja, since 90% of the time, they'll just hit you right as you finish backing up. Most importantly, this requires practice. It took me fifteen attempts to even get a run like this, because I kept getting left the last one standing or running out of time.

Overall Difficulty? 10/10, obviously.

Wanna make it even harder? Turn off items and containers, or even do the 1v5 stuff I showed in the other videos, but that sounds like you'd have to be Ryon-umm...a masochist, to even attempt that.

Have fun!!!! :))))

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