The President: October 1968. MP901.
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 Published On Dec 7, 2012

President Lyndon B. Johnson in October 1968. MP901. Public domain.
Recording begins 46 seconds in.

This film is from the LBJ Library moving picture collection created by the White House Naval Photographic Unit, aka the Navy Films. The films consist of monthly reports on the activities of President and Mrs. Johnson from 1963-1969.

Below is an edited scene list for this film, from the LBJ Library audiovisual archives. We included useful shot descriptions where possible, although most have been cut for length. For more information please contact [email protected].

Preview of LBJ's Oct. 31, 1968 televised address on halting U.S. bombing in North Vietnam

LBJ withdraws his nomination of Abe Fortas for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 10/2/1968

Domestic legislation passed in October

Act creating Redwood National Park signed, White House East Room, 10/2/1968; Redwood forest montage.

LBJ speaks at Higher Education, Vocational Education Amendments signing, White House East Room, 10/16/1968

LBJ signs Hazardous Radiation Act, 10/18/1968; Gun Control Act, 10/22/1968; Recap of laws passed in 1968 Congressional session

Cabinet members brief LBJ on status of their Departments, White House Cabinet Room, 10/10/1968.

State Visitors in October
LBJ greets President Francois Tombalbaye (Chad), arrival ceremony, White House South Lawn, 10/2/1968

LBJ greets P.M. Keith Holyoake (New Zealand), White House South Lawn; discusses Vietnam situation, White House Oval Office, 10/9/1968

Lynda Johnson Robb brings her newborn daughter Lucinda Desha Robb to White House, 10/31/1968

LBJ's endorsements for V.P. Hubert Humphrey, Democratic Party
White House South ext.
LBJ speaking at podium, White House Theatre, 10/10/1968, taping endorsement for radio broadcast sponsored by International Ladies Garment Workers Union

LBJ comments on the presidential race at Al Smith dinner, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City, 10/16/1968

LBJ speaks at West Virginia airport for Democratic Party, 10/26/1968

LBJ endorses Democratic Party candidates at Dedication of Fishtrap Dam near Pikeville, Kentucky, 10/26/1968

LBJ appears at All-Americans Council of the Democratic National Committee, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City, 10/27/1968

Lady Bird Johnson's activities in October
Lady Bird Johnson endorses V.P. Hubert Humphrey for President at Democratic Women's Club of Kentucky, 10/5/1968; appearance on Mike Douglas TV show with Muriel Humphrey

Lady Bird Johnson speaks at Women's National Democratic Club musical fashion show, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, DC

Color still photographs: reception for Future Homemakers of America, 10/18/1968; tea for International Bankers wives 10/3?/1968; National Women Legislators

Lady Bird Johnson holds Restoration Luncheon, 10/15/1968

LBJ visits former President Harry S Truman in Independence, Missouri, 10/11/1968

LBJ, Luci Johnson Nugent, Lyn Nugent, Harry S Truman at Truman home

Apollo 7 mission: LBJ watches televised coverage of launch in White House Oval Office, speaks with the astronauts on telephone

Vietnam War: Steps leading to October 31 bombing halt

Scenic shots of Washington, DC in autumn

Retrospective footage: history of Vietnam negotiations beginning in March 1968 through October 1968

LBJ meets with advisors, discuss new peace overtures from North Vietnam, White House Cabinet Room, 10/14/1968

Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting discussing possible bombing halt, White House Cabinet Room, 10/14/1968

Luncheon meeting, White House Dining Room, 10/15/1968

LBJ meets with Gen. William Momyer, White House Cabinet Room, 10/23/1968

LBJ meets with advisors after Gen. William Momyer meeting, White House Cabinet Room, 10/23/1968

LBJ speaks on Vietnam talks at press conference, White House Cabinet Room, 10/24/1968 (?)

LBJ meets with advisors re North Vietnam acceptance of terms for peace conference, White House Cabinet Room, 10/28/1968

Gen. Creighton Abrams and Presidential advisors meet with LBJ in early morning, White House Cabinet Room, 10/29/1968

LBJ, aides work on drafts of speech into the morning

LBJ reviews final intelligence reports, awards Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Creighton Abrams (no ceremony), 10/29/1968

LBJ meets with Cabinet (?) in an effort to get South Vietnamese support for peace conference, works on final draft of speech, White House Cabinet Room, 10/30/1968

LBJ briefs Presidential candidates V.P. Hubert Humphrey, Richard Nixon, and George Wallace; Gen. Earle Wheeler informs Pentagon of impending bombing halt

LBJ meets with National Security Council, White House Cabinet Room, 10/31/1968

Lyn Nugent visits LBJ in Oval Office, 10/31/1968

Walt Rostow briefs press on bombing halt, speech content, and background of peace talks, 10/31/1968

LBJ's television address on the bombing halt in North Vietnam, White House Family Theater, 10/31/1968

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