海拔1500m的金马伦高原,每天都是初秋的凉爽天气,绝对是马来西亚最理想的度假胜地之一 The best activities for 3 days in the Cameron Highlands
Abang Nick 阿邦尼克 Abang Nick 阿邦尼克
9.13K subscribers

 Published On Dec 15, 2022




金马仑高原下有十个市镇,由南到北顺序为冷力(Ringlet)、巴登威利(Bertam Valley)、哈布(Habu)、丹那拉打(Tanah Rata)、碧兰璋(Brinchang)、美兰村(Kea Farm)、直冷甲(Tringkap)、瓜拉特拉(Kuala Terla)、甘榜拉惹(Kampung Raja)及蓝谷(Blue Valley)。其中丹那拉打是政府部门驻地。

金马仑高原是1885年英国探测家金马伦爵士在一个测图行动中所发现而命名的。1925年,佐治·玛史威爵士(Sir George Maxwell) 参观这里后,将其发展为避暑胜地,完成了一条通往打巴的公路。公路通车后,英国的高官显要都在此建筑别墅,一些还定居并开发此高原。不久后,一个永久的英军军营在此成立。

1929年,约翰·艾琪拔·路雪(John Archibald Russell,当时英国的总督之子)在此发展茶叶种植,直到第二次世界大战为止。1957年,金马仑高原转交马来亚联合邦政府管理。


由于金马仑高原良好的自然环境与凉爽的气候,成为马来西亚著名的度假胜地。游客最多的地方属茶园、花园、蔬菜园、草莓园(可以采草莓),还有蜜蜂园、蝴蝶园和仙人掌世界等。此外金马仑高原还保存有原始森林,并有依斯干达瀑布(Lata Iskandar)和罗宾盛瀑布(Robinson Fall)等景点。


金马伦气候非常适合种植蔬菜以及花卉,尤其是玫瑰花。金马伦有多个玫瑰花园提供参观,位于美兰村Kea Farm玫瑰山庄 Rose Centre为其中之一。 薰衣草花园也不例外,Lavender garden 位于金马伦 Kuala Terla。

Cameron Highlands in Pahang is one of Malaysia's most popular tourist destinations, a collection of peaceful townships perched 1500 meters high on a nest of serene mountains. Cooling resorts, tea plantations and strawberry farms sprawl lazily across lush valleys and meandering hillslopes, the perfect setting for a relaxing holiday.

The sea of tranquility, pleasant landscapes and cold climate impart a special experience upon the multitudes of visitors each year. Meanwhile, a different world lies hidden away among the natural surroundings - a rainforest ecosystem rich with the wonders of nature, long held with fascination by researchers and naturalists across the world.

Cameron Highlands was discovered in 1885 by English surveyor William Cameron, under a commission by the colonial government. Forging a path through dense vegetation, he reached a magnificent and sublime plateau ‘shut up in the mountains' along the vast Titiwangsa Range. Yet, the place lay unperturbed for 40 years, until British Administrator Sir George Maxwell developed it as a hill station.

Soon, hotels, schools, homes and even a golf course sprouted overnight, as British and locals settled in. Farmers and tea planters also streamed steadily into the valley, having found its soil to be fertile, and weather encouraging for crops. Today, Cameron Highlands is the leading highland resort destination in the country, supporting a population close to 50,000 people spread over eight interconnecting areas.

Far from rural, the main townships of Tanah Rata and Brinchang are highly developed with a wide range of facilities and services. Hotels, resorts, apartments and shopping blocks tower over the landscape, providing accommodation and leisure activities for its many visitors. Ringlet, Tringkap, Bertam Valley, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja make up the rest of Cameron Highlands.

These smaller towns and villages concentrate heavily on agricultural activities, consequently retaining most, if not some, of their pastoral feel and countryside atmosphere. Traces of Cameron's colonial history still remain, but consist mostly of European stone mansions that have been converted into boutique hotels.

Tourists in Cameron Highlands can expect a peaceful community with a laid back outlook of life. There are plenty of facilities and amenities expected of a modern town, including banks, clinics, restaurants, even a shopping mall (Cameron Square). Walking around is mostly safe at day or night, but you should always keep your valuables in a safe place and not leave them lying around.

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