Most Powerful Meditation - Violet Flame - Saint Germain - Decrees and Affirmations of Power
Vanessa Friggo Vanessa Friggo
473K subscribers

 Published On Aug 26, 2019


 This is a very powerful meditation to positively transform our lives.
Lest you know the Violet Flame is one of the Divine Rays and helps us transmute all that we do not want in our life.
We are talking about addictions, suffering, relationships with people or places, limiting beliefs, fears, negative thoughts and attitudes, finally, each one knows where the focus of their pain is, with this meditation and a true will to change will be able to transform. ..
In addition the violet flame has the ability to cleanse not only our physical body but also balance our 7 spiritual bodies, realign the chakras, and harmonize and heal our aura.
Master Saint Germain has given us one of the two most important instruments of healing the Violet Flame, the masters tell us that all pain and misery comes from our thoughts, feelings that end up in the physical world through our attitudes based on these fears, this Sacred Fire, not it just clears how it transmutes the negative into positive.
Here in this plane nothing disappears, it transforms itself.
Do this meditation for sleep or before bed every day and see your life changing in plain sight ...

The Violet Flame activates deep karmic cleansing as well as the clearing and transmutation of negative records and harmful aspects of the ego. It frees the person from intrusive and external energies, and activates the self-protection ability of those energies.
 The Violet Flame erases and dissolves the mistakes made, transmutes depressed mental states into a serene and peaceful mental state, alleviates physical, emotional and mental pain. The Violet Flame is like a powerful transmute the trash of our past and present lives, our cities, our nation and our planet as well. Burning this trash and transmuting it into Light; Light that returns to our Causal Body, thereby increasing our spiritual wealth.
 When we do not know what is the cause of a problem, invoke the power of Holy Transmuting Fire to dissolve the core and cause of the problem.
All negative karma is created with our negative thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.
When we turn our energy into grudge, resentment, hatred, sadness, fear, criticism, condemnation, or judgment, it becomes too heavy to rise back to the Original Source.

So she goes on joining other energies just like her.
Thus, it comes back multiplied, it accumulates.
 With the accumulation of negativity in our being, we eventually attract more and more negativity, problems, scarcity, disease, accidents, fights ... The Flame
Violet dissolves the veils of illusion and ignorance, bringing to light the divine Truth.

In this case the ideal is to be done at least 21 days, but the results usually appear well before.
#violet meditation #meditacionllamavioleta #violetflamemeditation #saintgermain #chamavioletatransmutadora

Message from Master Saint Germain to all Lightworkers
Beloved and beloved,
We are happy to see the effort that each one of you are making to anchor the light on our beautiful and beloved Planet Earth, we have been watching how hard you have been trying to learn more and to connect with your true essence. The Violet Flame is there. , your willingness to help them in this process of change towards ascension, use and abuse, transmute, transmute, transmute as much as they can. Call upon the Flame in the house, at work, in the car, when they are feeding, lying down and getting up, for I and all the 7th Ray phalanx of all transmutation, we will be with you, be the Flame itself, send to the whole Planet, this fight is ours and you are the recruits of our army of Light, be the alchemists of the Age of Aquarius. I am Germain, Choan of the 7th Ray of God to Planet Earth, your friend and companion, count on me. Know that it is very easy to communicate with us, we are always willing, in the slightest elevation of your thoughts we will be by your side, the individual participation of each one of you is fundamental for us to form the collective conscience for the birth of the New World. . Remain in the Light.
Message from Saint Germain, channeled by Nisete Machado On 15.12.2013

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