Welcome to the “Navro‘z Regata” Festival
Samarkand International University of Technology Samarkand International University of Technology
645 subscribers

 Published On Mar 13, 2024

🎉 Exciting News! Take part in the first ever “Navro‘z Regata” Festival! 🎉
🤩 Dear residents of Samarkand and esteemed guests,
In celebration of the spring holiday of Navruz, on March 21st starting at 11:00, the “Eternal City” at the Silk Road Samarkand Tourist Center will be hosting a vibrant festival, “Navro‘z Regata”. Attendees can look forward to captivating performances by artists, lively dancing and theatrical acts, children’s attractions, kite flying, as well as traditional Uzbek, Chinese, and Korean ethnic games, and much more!
🚣🏻‍♂️ The highlight of the festive program will be the grand procession of the first-ever Dragon Boats in Central Asia, set to glide through the waters of the rowing canal!

📋 Organized by the Samarkand International University of Technology (SIUT), Silk Road Samarkand Tourist Center, Northeast Electric Power University (NEEPU, China), and “Stekloplastik” LLC, this promises to be an unforgettable celebration of culture, entertainment, and international cooperation.

Save the Date:
📅 Date: March 21, 2024
🕚 Time: Starting at 11:00
📍 Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/14YdPfc786WEwE6P8
“Eternal City”, Silk Road Samarkand Tourist Center.

Get ready for a day filled with joy, music, and cultural festivities! 🎊

🎉 Ajoyib yangilik! Samarqandda “Navro'z Regata” festivali!
🤩 Hurmatli samarqandliklar va shahrimiz mehmonlari!
Bahor bayrami - Navro‘z munosabati bilan 21-mart kuni, soat 11:00 dan “Silk Road Samarkand” turistik markazining “Boqiy shahar” majmuasida sizlarni san’atkorlarning yorqin chiqishlari; raqs va teatr tomoshalari; bolalar attraksionlari; varraklar shousi; o'zbek, xitoy, koreys milliy o'yinlari va boshqa qiziqarli namoyishlar kutmoqda!

“Navro‘z Regata” festivalining eng asosiy voqeasi — 🚣🏻‍♂️ Markaziy Osiyoda ilk bor “Dragon Boat” qayiqlarining “Boqiy shahar” suv havzasi bo‘ylab suzishi!

📋 Festival tashkilotchilari: Samarqand xalqaro texnologiya universiteti (SIUT), “Silk Road Samarkand” turistik markazi, Shimoliy-Sharqiy energetika universiteti (NEEPU, Xitoy), “Stekloplastik” MChJ.

📅 Sana: 2024-yil 21-mart
🕚 Boshlanish vaqti: 11:00
📍 Manzil: “Boqiy shahar”, “Silk Road Samarkand” turistik markazi.


🎉 Фестиваль «Navro‘z Regata» в Самарканде!
🤩 Уважаемые жители Самарканда и гости нашего города!
В честь весеннего праздника Навруз, 21 марта, с 11:00, в комплексе «Вечный Город» Самаркандского туристического центра «Silk Road Samarkand» вас ждут яркие выступления артистов; танцевальные и театрализованные номера; детские аттракционы; запуск воздушных змеев; этнические узбекские, китайские, корейские игры и многое другое! Главная праздничная программа фестиваля «Navro‘z Regata» – 🚣🏻‍♂️ шествие первых в Центральной Азии лодок-драконов (Dragon Boat) по водам гребного канала!
📋 Организаторы фестиваля: Самаркандский международный технологический университет (SIUT), СТЦ «Silk Road Samarkand», Северо-Восточный электроэнергетический университет (NEEPU, Китай), ООО «Stekloplastik».

📅 Дата: 21 марта 2024 г.
🕚 Время начала: 11:00
📍 Место проведения: Набережная «Вечного Города», СТЦ «Silk Road Samarkand».

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