Surah Al-Ghashiyah سورة الغاشية | HEART TOUCHING | Recite the Quran
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 Published On Premiered May 24, 2024

Surah Al-Ghashiyah سورة الغاشية | HEART TOUCHING


Surah Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event) -
Surah Name: Al-Ghashiyah (الغاشية)

Surah Number: 88

Number of Ayahs: 26

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makki Surah)

Surah Al-Ghashiyah, also known as "The Overwhelming Event," is the 88th chapter of the Quran. It is a Meccan surah, consisting of 26 verses. This surah vividly describes the Day of Judgment, contrasting the fate of the righteous and the disbelievers. The term "Ghashiyah" refers to an overwhelming event, indicating the profound and all-encompassing nature of the Last Day.

Key Themes:
The Day of Judgment: The surah opens with a compelling question about the overwhelming event, drawing attention to the Day of Judgment. It highlights the gravity and magnitude of this day when all of humanity will face the ultimate reckoning.

The Fate of the Disbelievers: Verses 2-7 depict the wretched condition of those who rejected faith. They will be humiliated and subjected to severe punishment in Hell. Their labor in this world will yield no reward in the Hereafter, and they will endure unbearable thirst and hunger, consuming food that neither nourishes nor satisfies.

The Reward of the Believers: In contrast, verses 8-16 describe the blissful state of the righteous. They will be in a state of joy, residing in lofty gardens, enjoying the comfort of flowing springs, and reclining on adorned couches. Their efforts in this world will be rewarded with eternal peace and contentment.

Signs of Allah in Creation: Verses 17-20 invite reflection on the natural wonders created by Allah. The surah encourages pondering over the camels, the sky, the mountains, and the earth. These signs demonstrate Allah's power and wisdom, urging humanity to recognize and submit to the Creator.

Reminder of the Hereafter: The surah concludes by addressing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), reminding him that his duty is to deliver the message. It emphasizes that some people will heed the warning while others will turn away. Ultimately, everyone will return to Allah for judgment.

Key Ayahs:
Ayah 1: "Has there come to you the news of the Overwhelming [event]?"
Ayah 6-7: "For them there will be no food except from a poisonous, thorny plant, which neither nourishes nor avails against hunger."
Ayah 8-10: "Other faces, that Day, will show pleasure. With their effort [they are] satisfied. In an elevated garden."
Ayah 17-20: "Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created? And at the sky - how it is raised? And at the mountains - how they are erected? And at the earth - how it is spread out?"
Lessons and Reflections:
Awareness of the Hereafter: Surah Al-Ghashiyah serves as a powerful reminder of the afterlife. It underscores the importance of being mindful of one's actions and their consequences in the Hereafter.

Contrast Between Believers and Disbelievers: The vivid descriptions of the fates of the righteous and the disbelievers highlight the stark contrast between the outcomes of faith and disbelief. This serves as both a warning and a motivation for individuals to adhere to the path of righteousness.

Reflection on Creation: The surah encourages contemplation of the natural world as a means of recognizing Allah's existence and sovereignty. It prompts believers to appreciate the signs of Allah's power and to strengthen their faith through reflection and observation.

Responsibility of the Messenger: The final verses remind us of the Prophet's duty to convey the message and the individual's responsibility to accept or reject it. This underscores the importance of personal accountability and the Prophet's role as a guide rather than an enforcer.

Surah Al-Ghashiyah, with its eloquent depiction of the Hereafter and its call to reflect on the signs of Allah, serves as a profound reminder of the transient nature of this world and the eternal significance of the Hereafter.


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