Natural Birth
HaveagoodSunray HaveagoodSunray
5.7K subscribers

 Published On Mar 16, 2023

After experiencing warning signs of abdominal pain in week 36, week 37 was relatively calm with minimal pain. However, in week 38, the pain in the abdomen persisted throughout the day, sometimes occurring every 10 minutes and sometimes with 2-3 occurrences per hour. The pain subsided when lying down and was not constant. A Non-Stress Test (NST) did not reveal constant pain, and the baby's heartbeat and movements were good. Initially, the doctor suggested going back home, but upon checking the cervix, the doctor decided to wait and monitor the baby's condition before deciding on further action.

Opened 3 cm already! 😅
I'm now active, but why am I still calm despite the contractions? The doctor admitted me because otherwise, I might have to come back late at night or in the morning.

I came to the delivery room around 4 pm. I changed clothes, shaved, and had a bowel movement. I received Oxytocin to speed up labor at around 5 pm. The contractions increased, and they were strong for about 4-5 seconds. However, I could still breathe deeply and endure the pain.

When the doctor came to examine me, he was puzzled why I was still calm. The cervix was only about 5 cm dilated, and the baby's head was still high. I had not yet turned and dropped. The doctor hesitated for a while but decided to break the water bag. Warm water gushed out.

It's unbearable pain.
I twist and turn in bed, and the pain peaks almost every minute.
Taking deep breaths doesn't help anymore.
The nurse keeps asking if I have bloating or pain.
Oh my god.
I don't know.
I only know that the pain will kill me.
I almost begged for pain relief medication.
But I lied and said the pain wasn't that bad.
I tried to pretend.
Then I tried to express the pain and it turned out to be really severe.
The doctor examined me and found 7 centimeters 😫
Getting ready.
I understand that everyone is getting ready quickly.
The nurse prepared things, put a bedpan next to the bed, the doctor changed into a gown, and the bed was lowered and the lights turned on. The doctor and nurse stood by the bed wearing gloves.

But in my feeling,

why was everything moving so slowly? 😣

I couldn't express myself anymore.
When everyone said they were ready,
I finally spoke up.
I was so tense and exhausted that I could barely bear it.
I still couldn't give birth.
It felt like three hours had passed.
If the doctor had asked if I wanted a cesarean section, I would have agreed immediately. 😫
The pain was unbearable, and I would do anything to make it go away.
Until the last push.
I felt a sharp pain as if someone had torn it off.
And now

Sunray has arrived! 😔👶🏻😫

At that time, I was still in pain because I only had painkillers and the doctor didn't give me enough. But once the baby was on my stomach, I focused on using my own voice to calm him down, without being afraid.

After a while, when the doctor checked the baby and saw that everything was okay, I was relieved. I was 32 weeks pregnant and there were no dangerous conditions. We took a family photo and the baby was taken to the temperature-controlled cabinet for observation for 6 hours, with his father following.

The mother was still lying in bed, surrounded by blood. Did I feel relieved after giving birth, as they say? No, not really. The pain was intense, and the bleeding was significant. The placenta wouldn't come out, and the contractions were strong, but not enough to push it out. The uterus contracted quickly but did not squeeze enough, leaving some remnants behind that could become inflamed and may need to be removed later.

The nurses had to press on my belly to stimulate contractions, but it was too painful. I begged them for my life and asked if there was another way. I couldn't bear it anymore. Eventually, I gave in and let them do it.

Siri's labor lasted about 2 hours until the actual birth, which only took 15 minutes. It felt like 3 years. Was it worth it? Yes, to see my baby's face. Was it better than a C-section? I don't know, but I do know that it was very painful. The day after, I was still in pain and discomfort, but it may have been better if I had been able to eat right after birth instead of waiting 6-10 hours.

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