Attacks on "Lightworkers"
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 Published On Feb 2, 2012

Beloved Family of Light!

Remember that there will always be those who will seemingly wish to mislead us from our path, hurt and abuse us, speak badly of us, make assumptions about us and spread around lies. In Truth, they can only have power over us, if we give them that power. Why they are really here in Truth, is to help catapult us into a higher level of awareness and empowerment. So in Truth, they are serving and assisting us with our growth and ascension.

We have to know that we are supported and loved and should not worry about such »negative« experiences, because in Truth, all is neutral. The more such experiences we have, the more we grow in our strength, awareness and empowerment. We are planting seeds with our high awareness, and the more we grow in our consciousness, the more seeds there are planted by us. Through these growing experiences we increase in our strength, empowerment, and anchoring our I AM Presence. Source is within and all around, for it is All That Is. And there is no opposite to Love, only different manifestations of it, so no one can ever be opposite to us, they are just choosing a different level of experience.

All we can do, is BE strong in our Source Truth, our I AM Presence, send LOVE to ALL, and know that no one needs saving, because no one is ever lost and everyone evolves exactly at the pace they wish to on a Soul level. Some will continue to choose to forget who they truly are, and it is okay, for no one is ever left behind by Source. We need to focus on our own ascension process, moving further in the Spiral of Spirit, Being and emanating LOVE and speaking the higher Truth. These are awakening energies that touch anyone who is within their ascension process. Remember that all is enfolding as it should and it is all good. Everything is a beautiful mystery, and although it's not always pleasant, our Divine focus should be on sharing our own ascension experiences. There are those, who have forgotten who they truly are, and we cannot make them see, but we can keep opening windows and doors for all! This simply means holding the space of Divine Love within All That Is. When we are Love, everything and everyone has the ability to remember its only Truth is Love as well.

Our »negative« experiences as Beings of Light might be the result of being completely open and holding pure trust, because we see good in everyone. We know their Highest aspect, although when we connect, we also sense their Heart and see their current Human state. When we are pure, all is shown to us, people become very transparent and the veils quickly fall off. The Truth knows its Source, and that is why we are always protected by the Divine Truth. Holy Spirit is our Divine protector, for it is the purest energy of all Creation. You need to know, that when You embrace and become your own Light, all around You tends to come to Light. This means that all that was once hidden, is becoming revealed. This is the power of Divine Love, the Divine Truth.

I know that many people of Truth are experiencing this and sometimes we bring the worst out of people, because we become like a prism of Light that has the ability to reflect all. We become a strong mirror of the Divine. That is why we need to keep our sacred space pure, wherever and however we share ourselves on our path. Our Essence needs to shine through in the most pure way. So there is no need to argue with those who wish to remain in duality. It serves no purpose, for it only drains our beautiful energy. We also need to understand, that the more we purify and ascend to our I AM Presence, the more we also attract the opposite, for this is the nature of balancing out, the equilibrium of All That Is. Only when we understand the nature of Spirit, we know why this is so, and this brings a feeling of deep peace and neutrality. Think of the example of our Beloved Jesus. He went through a very similar process, for the purer he was, the more attacks he endured. But he stayed true to his inner I AM Presence and remained completely pure.

There are also those who still believe in Satan and think that the devil is this living entity which actually exists. But You have to know, there is no Satan as a living entity, because the Satan is only an archetype of what prevents Humans to ascend to their true Nature. The devil is not a Being or anything that these individuals believe. Although they are creating and living in that kind of reality. But we know what we are creating within the Light of Truth!

Within Divine Love, Polona

P.S. Remember, in Truth there is ONLY LOVE, so keep wearing it in full garment! Keep blessings and releasing all that does not serve You and those who are not yet ready to open to their I AM Presence.

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