Using a grey palette: Is it better for painting?
JerrysArtarama JerrysArtarama
159K subscribers

 Published On May 30, 2012 - Achive better painting results

A canvas may begin as a white field, but it won't remain that way for long! Some artists tone their canvases with a wash of color before beginning painting, some block in backgrounds and shapes, but either way, the expanse of white you begin with soon becomes a toned surface, and judging paint colors before putting them on the canvas becomes more difficult as you go along. The way a color appears on stark white is extremely different from how it appears on a tonal painting. White palettes reflect light and create shadows, thereby altering the appearance of the actual color of the paint. Luckily, there is an easy way to solve this problem!

Now the popular line of Mijello palettes is available in a true middle grey color — the ideal tone for mixing natural and lifelike colors! Neutral grey lends itself perfectly to color mixing, as it allows you to see paints just as they will appear on the canvas. Know immediately if a color is too light or too dark right on the palette — don't let the wrong shade ruin your painting! Like the original Mijello palettes, TruColor palettes are made of sturdy ABS plastic and are solvent-resistant, so you can mix oil paints with turpentine or mineral spirits without worrying about damaging your palette. TruColor palettes are also easy to clean: when finished painting, simply wipe or peel the dried paint right off the stain-resistant surface! Getting true-to-life, natural color mixes the first time around has never been easier with Mijello TruColor Palettes!

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