조기젓 어리굴젓 담그기 한국의 전통 젓갈 만드는 방법
김치쌤 이하연 김치쌤 이하연
114K subscribers

 Published On Dec 26, 2020

봉우리김치 홈페이지

~조기젓 재료~
조기 20kg corvina
소금: 5kg   salt
~조기젓 레시피~
1. 조기를 소금물로 깨끗이 씻어 물기를 뺀다
1. Rinse the corvina clean with salt water to drain.
2. 조기에 25%의 염도로 소금을 섞어 골고루 버무린다
2. Mix the corvina with 25% salt and mix them evenly.
3. 보관용기에 절인 조기를 채워 넣는다.
3. Fill the storage container with pickled corvina.
4. 맨 위에 소금을 채우고 밀폐하여 서늘한 그늘에 보관한다.
4. Fill the top with salt, seal it and store in a cool shade.

~어리굴젓 재료~
굴 400g oyster
소금 2T(절임) salt
무 100g radish
배 150g pear
밤 3개(소) chestnut
소금 1T(양념) salt
고운고춧가루 4T fine red pepper powder
대파(흰부분) 30g large green onion
마늘 15g garlic
생강 10g ginger

~어리굴젓 레시피~
1. 굴을 소금물에 씻어 물기를 뺀다.
1. Wash oysters in salt water to drain.
2. 굴에 소금을 넣고 버무려 1시간 동안 절인다.
2. Mix the salt in the oysters and marinate them for an hour.
3. 고춧가루를 물에 불리고 무, 배, 파, 마늘, 생강을 채 썬다.
3. Soak red pepper powder in water and shred radish, pear, green onion, garlic, and ginger.
4. 준비된 재료를 골고루 버무려 용기에 담아 2~3일간 냉장 보관후 먹는다.
4. Mix the prepared ingredients evenly in a container and refrigerate them for two to three days before eating them.

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