The Entire Timeline of Time from before the Big Bang to the end of the Universe
Lords Witnesses Lords Witnesses
199 subscribers

 Published On Feb 15, 2024

1335 Millennia of Time

6 Then one said to the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: How long will it be to the end of the wonderful/miraculous/extraordinary things?
7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.
8 Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand; so that I said: Oh my lord, what will be the final part of these things?
9 And he went on to say: Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of [the] end.
10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will understand.
11 And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be 1,290 days (Daniel 12 NWT)
12 Oh the Happinesses/Blessednesses of the one keeping in expectation and [who] reaches the 1,335 days! (Daniel 12 LWT)

So from original angelic sin, the loss of their constant feature, the transgression causing desolation to the angels, to the end of baptisms and of people acting wickedly, to the miraculous things, to the end of the final part of these things is 1290 millennia. Taking a day for 1000 years as instructed by 2Peter3:8...

8 However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day. (2 Peter 3 NWT)

And the Big Bang is 1290 millennia of Daniel12:11 before the end of sin, when we all have become Gods - see Code#c39. So 49½ creative days are 1290 millennia. So each creative day is 26,060.606060 years.

We know that the 6th light universe creative day ended at Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC. So the 50th ends 44 light universe creative days later, 1,466,666.666666 years later on 1,142,676Chislev14 AD. And the Big bang was 5½ light universe creative days before Adam's sin, which is 143,333.333333 years earlier on 147,327Chislev14.

Light came to be at the start of the first morning of the first human/earthly creative day. This was the command from God through the first angel (Lucifer): Let there be light. For Lucifer means bringer or carrier of light (Lux Lucem is light and Fero Ferre Tuli Latum is to bring/carry/ferry). All humans must reach divinity at their first Jubilee. Because the purpose of a Jubilee is to restore people to their birthright and the birthright of a Son of God is to become a God in whose image he was made. So all humans achieve divinity by the 50th earthly/human creative day. But Gods are outside of space-time. So the 4D universe ends at the end of the 50th creative day. So there are 49½ earthly creative days taking us from the Big Bang to the day when we all have become Gods, our Jubilee release in the 50th creative day.

10 And you must sanctify the 50th year and proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants. It will become a Jubilee for you, and you must return each one to his possession and you should return each one to his family.
11 A Jubilee is what that 50th year will become for you. You must not sow seed nor reap the land's growth from spilled kernels nor gather the grapes of its unpruned vines.
12 For it is a Jubilee. It should become something holy to you. From the field you may eat what the land produces.
13 In this year of the Jubilee you should return each one to his possession. (Leviticus 25 NWT)

But the Big Bang made time causal, which made sin inescapable. It fixed the sin to the sinner as a lesson. It shone light not merely physically but also morally upon the angels in a way which they could not hide from. It was the result of Original angelic sin in Archeden, when the first angelic church fell and God lost his constant feature (of true worship from that church). It was the transgression causing the desolation of Tartarus (Angelic first death) to the angels.

Now one can only be in a state of expectation when time exists. For without time one does not have to wait for anything. So 1335 days of expectation is the total amount of time God creates, a day for a millennium, 1,335,000 years. This is the period during which God had a watch and therefore was in expectation - waiting for time to pass. Time ends when we are all Gods at the end of the 50th creative day on 1,142,676Chislev14 AD, the end of the light universe, when all angels have become Gods and all humans have become angels and Gods and are therefore no longer bound by space or by time

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