PARIS VAN JAVA MALL [Mall PVJ] Bandung - Walking around at Shopping Mall in Bandung - West Java❗
Walking Around Walking Around
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 Published On Jul 19, 2023

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#ParisVanJava Mall is a shopping center located in #Bandung, West Java. The mall can be reached in a few hours by driving from the Pasteur Toll.

The mall, which was inaugurated in July 2006, is designed with a natural open air feel and views of ornamental doves flying. Another factor that becomes the attraction is the building concept that is thick with European design.

Paris Van Java Mall ( #PVJ ) is a mall which is divided into resort level, glamor level, sky level, and concourse level with one of the best department stores in Indonesia, Sogo Department Store on the top floor. Other facilities that are quite attractive are the Carrefour supermarket, Gramedia bookstore, and the CGV* Blitz cinema. In addition, at #ParisVanJavaMall, there are also cafes that are mouth-watering, starting from the sushi counter on the far left to the Duck King restaurant on the far right.

In 2010, a new ride was built, namely the ice skating rink #Gardenice which is located on the Sky Level floor of the PVJ parking lot. Gardenice is one of the games for the people of the city of Bandung.

In addition, there are also Skyfield rides, an artificial field and garden covering an area of ​​2,000 m2 where there is a butterfly garden that has hundreds of species, flower gardens, rice fields that have been planted with rice, dairy cow pens, to fish and turtle ponds. turtle. This butterfly garden is the third event of the Butterfly Festival after last year a similar activity was held in the PVJ terrace pool which was originally only about 200 m2. In the area of ​​​​the 150 m2 butterfly garden, it is shaped like a labyrinth where along the route will be displayed information boards about various types of butterfly species in the world. This information board is in the form of an atlas that displays various types of butterfly information from various countries.

PVJ itself has a special butterfly breeding. The species comes from West Java, Sulawesi, to Papua as the rarest species, blue in color and large in size. There are also several species from abroad such as from Africa.

At the end of the labyrinth, you will find an orchid area, specifically for the orchid garden, which has a collection of up to 200 different species, and some of them are rare species. Visitors who are interested in collecting orchids are also ready to be served.

On the other side, there is a flower garden complete with a 3-storey bamboo tower as a snapshot point for taking pictures with a backdrop of a colorful flower garden, like a tulip garden in the Netherlands.

It only took a few hours because of traffic jams to Paris Van Java Mall by taking the Pasteur route. In addition, Paris Van Java Mall is also quite close to the Pasteur flyover and Hasan Sadikin Hospital.

The uniqueness of Paris Van Java Mall is the presence of a large fish pond in front of the cafes that line up. The fish pond was only filled until around 2007, but is now empty. The pool until a while ago, was used as a place for performances and festivals. As in the last Chinese New Year, we can see the lion dance and dragon lion attractions in this pool. Yes, by spending a small amount of money, only 50 thousand is enough.

There are also toilets with natural nuances that are very unique and make visitors comfortable.


Paris Van Java #Mall adalah sebuah pusat perbelanjaan yang terletak di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Mal ini bisa dicapai beberapa jam dengan mengemudi dari Tol Pasteur.

Mal yang diresmikan pada bulan Juli 2006 ini, dirancang dengan nuansa open air yang alami serta pemandangan burung-burung merpati hias yang beterbangan. Faktor lain yang menjadi daya tarik adalah konsep bangunan yang kental dengan desain Eropa.

Paris Van Java Mall (PVJ) adalah mal yang terbagi menjadi resort level, glamour level, sky level, serta concourse level dengan salah satu departement store terbaik di Indonesia, Sogo Department Store di lantai teratas. Fasilitas lainnya yang cukup menjadi daya tarik adalah pasar swalayan Carrefour, toko buku Gramedia, serta bioskop CGV* Blitz. Selain itu, di Paris Van Java Mall juga berjejer kafe-kafe yang menggugah selera, dimulai dari counter sushi di paling kiri hingga restoran Duck King di paling kanan.

Pada tahun 2010, dibangun sebuah wahana permainan baru yaitu ice skating rink Gardenice yang terletak di lantai Sky Level tempat parkir PVJ.

Selain itu, terdapat juga wahana Skyfield, sebuah ladang dan taman buatan seluas 2.000 m2 di mana terdapat taman kupu-kupu yang memiliki ratusan jenis spesies, hamparan taman bunga, area persawahan yang sudah ditanami padi, kandang sapi perah, hingga kolam ikan dan kura-kura. Taman kupu-kupu ini menjadi event ketiga dari Butterfly Festival setelah tahun lalu dibuat kegiatan serupa di kolam teras PVJ yang semula hanya sekitar 200 m2.


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