Ending Stagnation: A New Economic Strategy for Britain
Resolution Foundation Resolution Foundation
3.25K subscribers

 Published On Streamed live on Dec 4, 2023

The UK economy is living with a toxic combination of 15 years of low growth and four decades of high inequality. The result is a country in relative decline, falling behind its peers, where taxes not wages are rising, and where millions of households have been painfully exposed to the shocks posed by the pandemic and cost of living crisis.

Britain needs a new approach if it is to turn this stagnation around as we emerge from the pandemic, adjust to Brexit, and urgently transition towards a net zero future – one that leverages rather than downplays its economic strengths, confronts rather ignores its economic weaknesses, and aligns rather silos its tax, trade, industry, labour market and net zero policies so they add up to a coherent economic strategy.

Over the past three years, the Resolution Foundation has been collaborating with the Centre for Economic Policy at the LSE on The Economy 2030 Inquiry, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, to investigate, understand and solve these huge economic challenges. The project is culminating a major new book and conference focused on what a renewed economic strategy for the UK could and should look like. We will set out and discuss how Britain can navigate the decisive decade ahead and secure stronger, sustainable, inclusive growth that reaches all parts of the UK.

Over the course of an all-day conference, we will hear from leading UK politicians and economists and policy makers from across the world, via keynote speeches, panel discussions and audience Q&As, as we debate the future of the UK economy.

07:43 Welcome
30:04 Session 1 - The case for ending stagnation
1:00:43 Session 2 - Jeremy Hunt in conversation with Zanny Minton Beddoes
2:06:26 Session 3 - Getting growth up
2:52:09 Session 4 - Getting inequality down
4:47:54 Session 5 - Keir Starmer in conversation with Zanny Minton Beddoes
5:46:24 Session 6 - Steering economic change
6:33:52 Closing

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