Why Everyone SEEMS to Have More Money Than You
Austin Williams Austin Williams
106K subscribers

 Published On Jun 24, 2024

If it seems like everybody has more money than you, let me explain why it seems this way.

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00:00 Start Here
01:04 Most ‘Rich’ People Are Severely In Debt
02:36 You’re Not Seeing The Trade Offs
04:08 You’re Not Seeing The Unfair Advantages That Led To Success
05:43 The Upward Comparison Trap
06:37 You’re Living Your Life Based On Someone Else’s Definition of Success
08:08 Wealth Grows The Most Towards The End
09:33 You Haven’t Defined Enough

Oftentimes when you look at your own financial situation and the financial situation of others, it seems like everyone is thriving while you're just doing okay. And although it seems this way, when it comes to monetary or material wealth, there are many factors that we don't talk about or don't recognize. In this video, I want to explain 7 reasons why it seems like everybody has more money than you and when you understand these reasons, you realize that you are not behind as you think you are.

1. Most ‘Rich’ People Are Severely In Debt

The reality of many people we think are "rich" because they have a bunch of nice material possessions is that they are not buying these things with their own money, but they are buying them with credit. Many "rich" people are just extremely irresponsible financially and buy things they don't need with money they don't have. A lie we are told about wealth is that it is a very visible thing; however, real wealth is invisible and often the people who look rich are not.

2. You’re Not Seeing The Trade Offs

Now, although many people who have nice things are in debt, some people who have nice things can actually afford them because they have an extremely high salary. However, there is a truth about high salary jobs that we often don't talk about and it is that there are many trade offs that come with a high salary like long hours, no work/life balance, and missing out on many things. Although we might get envious of people who have high salary jobs, if we saw the trade offs they were making, we probably would question if it was worth it.

3. You’re Not Seeing The Unfair Advantages That Led To Success

Les Brown once said, “Judge a person not by what they have accomplished, but what they had to overcome for their accomplishment.” The truth about life and success is that it is not a level playing field. Some people have more advantages in life and can achieve success quicker and easier than other people. When it seems like everyone has more money than you and is more successful, just know that we're all running different races and success is relative.

4. The Upward Comparison Trap

A huge reason why it seems that everyone has more money than you is because we often compare ourselves to people who are above us. We often compare ourselves to people who are at a different level in life and when we do that, we fail to see how far we have come and how much we have.

5. You’re Living Your Life Based On Someone Else’s Definition of Success

In the United States, we have a very set image of success that consists of status and possessions. Many people blindly pursue this image of success and are left unsatisfied when they don't achieve it; however, if we create our own definition of success instead of defaulting to this American image, we would most likely live much happier lives.

6. Wealth Grows The Most Towards The End

Younger generations often are critical towards older generations because they have more wealth and it seems like they had it easier. And although there is some truth to this, the reality of wealth is that the majority of it grows in the later years. Wealth compounds and grows in an exponential curve, but it doesn't grow quickly until late in the journey. Older people seem to have had it easier than you, but the truth is they have just had a lot more time to grow their wealth.

7. You Haven’t Defined Enough

When you really boil it down, the #1 reason it seems like everybody has more money than you is because you haven't defined enough. You haven't decided how much you need in life to be happy and when you haven't defined enough you end up focusing on what others have that you don't. When you haven't defined enough, you end up living a life of envy and jealousy. It is important to define enough, and once you do it, you will stop caring about what other people have.

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