22 ^ Stage (Rabanal del Camino-Hippie community of Matavenero 14,1 km)
Cesare Deserto Cesare Deserto
4.14K subscribers

 Published On Jan 14, 2023

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Twenty-second day as a pilgrim. Today the cruz de hierro awaits me, the iron cross where I will deposit the stone brought from Italy. I open the hinges of the tent and go out, the silence envelops me and I realize that I am completely alone, the other pilgrims have already left. Today's stop should be Foncebadon but a strange encounter makes me change my mind. I will make my lifelong dream come true, that of living within a hippie community. I'm talking about the hippie’s community of Matavenero!
Km to reach Santiago: - 255.9.
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My name is Cesare Deserto and I am a journalist and radio speaker, or at least I was before that July 2021 when I decided to completely change my life and realize a dream that I had wanted for many years by leaving alone for the Santiago’s way:
36 days; 931,9 km traveled on foot, alone and without a telephone;
From the Pyrenees to the Atlantic Ocean in search of absolute freedom.
I gave up my job, left home, sold my car, motorcycle, clothes, watches, and most of the material things I owned, to seek the answers my life needed. Looking for them through a path that is not only a physical, real, but also deeply intimate journey: the Santiago’s way. Furthermore, I did not bring any telephone or technological tools with me but only my camera to document everything. In this trailer I will try to summarize (even if it is impossible) the many emotions experienced. I have created a "Camino de Santiago" playlist where you will find videos of all the stages covered in this spectacular experience available with subtitles of the major languages spoken in the world. Simple click on the subtitles section and choose your language. Impossible to film all the emotions and special encounters that occurred. Those I tried to bring back in my book. (link in description).
I left alone and arrived at my destination alone, unlike most people who have had the same experience as me. I walked every single meter, I never skipped a stop by bus or taxi, I never entrusted my backpack to the shuttles. In every kilometer there is all my sweat and my determination. If you have decided to take the Santiago’s way or if you dream of wanting to do it sooner or later, thanks to this book you will discover why every year, 300,000 people from all over the world decide to tackle the most famous Way in the world. If you, like me, have always dreamed of giving up everything, aware that the life you lead is not what you dreamed of as a boy, my experience could perhaps give you the courage that I lacked for 36 years ...
By reading this book you will discover:
• the history of the journey (historical notes, symbols and legends) and symbolic places;
• suitable clothing and shoes, which backpack to buy and above all what to put inside;
• duration and distance of the journey, how many days it takes to complete it and where to start based on the days available;
• how to train before leaving and the necessary physical preparation;
• how much does it cost to travel, where to eat and sleep along the Way;
• whether walking the path alone can be dangerous for a woman and whether there is a possibility of getting lost;
• the answer to many questions and concerns (which were also mine) posed by many aspiring pilgrims and my email address where you can contact me to dispel all your doubts / hesitations;
• finally, I will tell you why a journalist and radio host gave up his whole life of comfort and materiality, to travel over 900 km on foot from the Pyrenees to the Atlantic Ocean, alone and without a telephone, sleeping as well as in various hostels, even on the street, in a stable, in a tent, in an abandoned monastery and living two days in a hippie community.

…. "I gave up everything, I left home, sold my car, motorcycle, clothes, my Rolex and most of the material things I owned to follow that almost nagging, suffocating, undeterred feeling that once known does not make you find peace: SANTIAGO, the Camino de Santiago. My life needed answers that only a journey in complete solitude could give me "….

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