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Songs that Live Songs that Live
2.15K subscribers

 Published On Nov 22, 2022

Written by Sis Celeste John

Moses was taught by his mother;
"My son You were born the deliverer"
He tried to fulfill the prophesy in own might
He was a failure, so he fled Egypt for his life
Into the desert until the time of promise drew nigh
One day he met the bright and burning light,
That called him by name, anointed and commissioned him
From that time he was never the same

Personal contact with Jesus is what we need
We are God's attributes, deep calls to deep
We cannot thrive without that supernatural atmosphere
A spirit led life, Where the teaching becomes reality
We were born to rise up and take our place
Jesus Christ revealed to us personally

Saul on his way to Damascus
To persecute God's little bride
When suddenly around him shone a great light
From that light a voice called him by his name
He was Called, anointed and commissioned,
To be the messenger for the first age
After that supernatural encounter
His life and name was forever changed

William Branham as a young boy
In a whirl wind, heard the Voice of God
"Do not drink, smoke or defile yourself in anyway"
But still, His life's purpose was unclear
Then In 1946, the Angel met him in the cave
He revealed to him where his name was written
Then he faced the world
with a 7th grade education

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