B 4 Cosmological Argumenta Vertical Aquinas 2024 08 14
Kevin Steves Kevin Steves
54 subscribers

 Published On Sep 2, 2024

Cosmological Arguments: Vertical
kalam: William Lane Craig’s formulation/ video production:
St. Aquinas
1. It’s hard to do “a little Aquinas”
2. Tries to synthesize:
Prefatory Remarks About the 1st Way: Argument from Motion
First Argument: From Motion
Second Argument: From Causality
• (Brief Aside) Accidentally Ordered Causal Series and Essentially Ordered Causal Series
Third Argument: Contingency and Necessity
Principle of Sufficient Reason: (From William Rowe)
• A Thomistic Reading
• A Leibnizian (PSR) Reading
Fourth Argument
Fifth Argument
Objections to Cosmological Arguments in General and Aquinas’ Ways In Particular
Modern Versions (sort of): The “Fine Tuning Argument”

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