Cara Stel/seting Karburator PE 24,26,28 Tipe Basah Atau Kering Pada Semua MotrPE Carburetor settings
193K subscribers

 Published On May 28, 2021

Cara Stel atau setting karburator pe 24,26,28 dengan tipe kering atau basah pada motor Suzuki Satria FU.
Sebetulnya untuk setingan karburator pada motor itu sama.dan sedikit kita bedakan settingan basah dan kering dengan cara:
1. Setingan basah kita stel baut angin di 1,5 keluar setelah mentok ,jarum klip pengunci kita pasangkan di no 2 paling bawah.
2.setingan keringnya kita stel dibagian atas no 2 dan stelan baut anginnya kita stel di 3 putaran keluar setelah mentok.
dan untuk stel langsamnya setelah kita stel dibagian stelan kering atau basah.
Kekurangan stelan basah, busi cepat hitam dan bensin boros,sedangkan kelebihannya mesin aman dan putaran menengah dan atas sangat enak ketika kita mengendarai motornya.
sedangkan untuk kekurangan stelan keringnya dibagian mesin agak sedikit panas dan akan terasa ada limit diputaran Tas.sedangkan kelebihannya bensin irit dan busi akan awet.
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@Sidik Nuryaden CHANNEL.
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How to set or setting the pe carburetor 24,26,28 with a dry or wet type on a Suzuki Satria FU motorcycle.
Actually, the carburetor settings on the motorcycle are the same. And we can slightly differentiate the wet and dry settings by:
1. ..In wet settings, we set the wind bolt at 1.5 out after it stuck, we put the locking clip needle in the bottom no. 2.
2. We set the dry setting at the top of No. 2 and we set the wind bolt setting in 3 turns out after it stuck.
.and to set it idly after we set it in the dry or wet setting.
Disadvantages of wet suits, fast black spark plugs and wasteful gasoline, while the advantages are that the engine is safe and the middle and upper rounds are very comfortable when we drive the motorbike.
.while for the lack of dry suit, the engine is a little hot and you will feel there is a limit to the rotation of the bag. Meanwhile, the advantages are that the fuel is economical and the spark plugs will last.
Thank you very much to all #SUBSCRIBER# and viewers wherever you are, hopefully the knowledge is useful.
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