Transforming White Fat to Brown: Can It Help You Lose Weight?
Dr. EF Rain Dr. EF Rain
457 subscribers

 Published On Sep 20, 2024

In this episode, we will discuss the various mechanisms that have been researched in relation to the browning of adipose tissue. Our guest, an expert in the field, Dr. Guillermo Sanchez, PhD, who works at the University of Sherbrooke and the University of Granada, Spain, will shed light on this fascinating topic that is helping us, day by day, to better understand crucial information that could be used to preserve our metabolic health.

Mendez-Gutierrez A, Osuna-Prieto FJ, Aguilera CM, Ruiz JR, Sanchez-Delgado G. Endocrine Mechanisms Connecting Exercise to Brown Adipose Tissue Metabolism: A Human Perspective. Curr Diab Rep. 2020 Jul 28;20(9):40. doi: 10.1007/s11892-020-01319-7. PMID: 32725289.

00:00 Introduction
01:46 Difference between white and brown adipose tissue
04:06 Transitioning from white to brown fat
08:37 Losing weight by transforming adipose tissue
12:55 Connection between exercise and adipose tissue
20:47 Norepinephrine as a stimulant of adipose tissue
25:45 Inflammation, muscle, and adipose tissue
28:42 Other important molecules affecting adipose tissue
35:36 Browning and ketone bodies
36:58 Effect of exercise on adipose tissue browning in humans

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