Waterfall and Abandoned House on Lundy Road (or, a Romanticist's Take on Reality)
Books and Trails Books and Trails
471 subscribers

 Published On Dec 26, 2022

A waterfall and an abandoned house. What's one got to do with the other apart from being on the same road? Nothing, apparently. But it may not be too much of a stretch if we consider them rough approximations of birth and death strung on the same road-as-thread. And if I may stretch things a bit further, Quantum Mechanics would say, everything. Taken at its most extreme, Quantum Mechanics is saying all is one. QM, however, is riddled with contradictions. Indeed, its self-contradictions give QM its voice of authority. A particle is both here and there. A cat unobserved is both alive and dead. And matter at opposite ends of the universe can converse as if the space between them didn’t exist. Not all can be known even by God led to Einstein’s consternation on God creating the universe so God can play dice. That is, assuming there is a flow of time in which God had nothing in the beginning then the Universe a moment (or a week according to the Bible) later. But what does that make God if God only operates within the bounds of Time? God cannot be God if not omnipotent. So, God must be Time himself. But some thinkers say the passage of time is a construct our minds made up so we can make sense of experience. Time is an illusion. It does not exist outside of our minds. If Time does not exist, then so would God. Then, again, without Time there can be no music. Music is the progression of one note after another in a timed fashion. And music must play an important role in consciousness for how can it not when simply hearing certain tunes I get goosebumps? It is said that music is the language of the soul. So, for music to be real, Time must exist. Or, taking all these arguments we have so far, Time both exists and doesn't exist. We're back full circle to QM and its contradictions. But fret not for I say we are not condemned to an eternal state of confusion. Rather, we should embrace contradiction and rejoice in a beautiful reality where a glass half empty is also a glass half full, bad things happen even to us good people, and creation and destruction—our waterfall and our abandoned house in our rough approximation—are part of a greater whole. All is one. Just look at your most cherished someone whoever that may be, and I am sure you would agree that if not for his or her imperfections, however subtle or not, he or she would not have been so perfect.

Music: "Sun City" by Black Rhomb

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