Plantar em Casa Plantar em Casa
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 Published On Mar 4, 2019

Antioxidant power and anti-inflammatory properties: Claudia explains that pitaya is rich in antioxidant compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, act to prevent cancer and cardiovascular risk. The nutritionist Patrícia points out that the fruit, which has lycopene and carotene, has the antioxidant ability to prevent cell aging and, consequently, the emergence of diseases.

2. Aid in the treatment of diabetes: Patrícia emphasizes that pitaya is rich in soluble fibers that delay the absorption of sugar and therefore aid in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

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3. More Satiety: Claudia remembers that, still due to the great amount of soluble fibers, the pitaya helps to promote sensation of satiety, being able to help in the process of slimming.

4. Improvement of intestinal transit: Patricia emphasizes that the presence of fibers also helps in intestinal transit. And, as Claudia adds, the fruit stimulates the growth of the intestinal microbiota (intestinal flora).

5. Cholesterol Reduction: Nutritionists explain that fruit helps control cholesterol levels, thus avoiding problems associated with high cholesterol.

6. Source of important micronutrients: Claudia explains that the pitaya, besides being a source of fiber and carbohydrates, is rich in micronutrients, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins, which contribute to the health of bones and teeth, muscle contraction and in the production of red cells, in addition to compounds such as lycopene (found in tomatoes) and carotene (found in carrots).

7. Good functioning of the organism: the pitaya contributes, in general, for the good functioning of the organism. "It has antioxidant compounds (polyphenols) and prebiotics (oligosaccharides) that help the body to function properly, improving the immune system, regulating intestinal transit, etc.", explains Claudia.

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8. Help in the process of detoxification: nutritionist Claudia comments that soluble fibers present in the fruit can also aid in the digestion and detoxification process by minimizing the effects of toxic substances on the body such as heavy metals (lead, aluminum, cadmium, mercury, among others).

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