愛 • 常傳 - 我們的塔冷通 Sharing Our Talents
生命恩泉FLL 生命恩泉FLL
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 Published On Feb 4, 2021

為了一個夢想,楊孝明和梁鳳玲兩夫婦毅然放棄自己的事業,全身投入培育教友的工作。他們成立了「信仰生活互動坊」和「塔冷通心靈書舍」,希望能透過這兩個機構,觸動更多天主教徒為教會福傳和服務。《愛 •常傳》邀請了他們跟大家分享他們怎樣善用天主賜予他們的塔冷通,把祂的訊息散播出去。
Because of a dream, Hau Ming Yeung and his wife Cammy Leung decided to give up their careers and fully immerse themselves in faith formation of the Catholic laity. They founded "Living Faith Society" and "Talentum Bookshop", hoping to touch more Catholics and inspire them to evangelize and serve the Church through these two organizations. Fountain of Grace invites them to share their story of how they use their God-given talents to spread God’s message.

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