Henri Duparc 1870 - l'Invitation au voyage - Paula Bär-Giese - soprano & pianist
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 Published On Aug 30, 2014

Costumes Gelderse Roos http://www.gelderseroos.nl/
Henri Duparc 1870 - l'Invitation au voyage
Poem by Charles Beaudelaire
MADAME ÉDOUARD MANET (Suzanne Leenhoff, 1830–1906)

Suzanne Manet, born Suzanne Leenhoff (30 October 1829 in Delft - 8 March 1906 in Paris) was a Dutch-born pianist and the wife of the painter Édouard Manet, for whom she frequently modeled.
An excellent pianist, Leenhoff was initially hired in 1851 by Manet's father Auguste, as piano teacher for Édouard and his brothers. In their early twenties, Suzanne and Édouard developed a personal relationship and were romantically involved for approximately ten years. After Édouard left his parents' home he and Suzanne lived together, although they kept their relationship discreet and secret, especially from Édouard's father. She also may have been Auguste's mistress. In 1852, Leenhoff gave birth, out of wedlock, to a son, Leon Koella Leenhoff. Suzanne and Édouard were finally married in October 1863, a year after the death of Édouard's father.
Eleven-year-old Leon Leenhoff, whose father may have been either of the Manets, posed often for Édouard Manet. Most famously, he is the subject of the Boy Carrying a Sword of 1861 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). He also appears as the boy carrying a tray in the background of The Balcony.

Mon enfant, ma sœur,
Songe à la douceur
D'aller là-bas vivre ensemble,
Aimer à loisir,
Aimer et mourir
Au pays qui te ressemble.
Les soleils mouillés
De ces ciels brouillés
Pour mon esprit ont les charmes
Si mystérieux
De tes traîtres yeux,
Brillant à travers leurs larmes.
Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.

Des meubles luisants,
Polis par les ans,
Décoreraient notre chambre,
Les plus rares fleurs
Mêlant leurs odeurs
Aux vagues senteurs de l'ambre
Les riches plafonds,
Les miroirs profonds,
La splendeur orientale
Tout y parlerait
À l'âme en secret
Sa douce langue natale.
Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.

Vois sur ces canaux
Dormir ces vaisseaux
Dont l'humeur est vagabonde;
C'est pour assouvir
Ton moindre désir
Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde.
Les soleils couchants
Revêtent les champs,
Les canaux, la ville entière,
D'hyacinthe et d'or;
Le monde s'endort
Dans une chaude lumière!
Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.
Invitation to a journey
My child, my sister, dream of the sweetnessof going down there to live together,to love at leisure, to love and to diein the land that resembles you!The damp suns of those hazy skieshave charms for my spiritas mysterious as your treacherous eyessparkling through their tears.There, there is nothing but order and beauty,luxury, calm, and sensual delight.
See, on the canals sleep the vesselswhich love to wander;it is to satisfy your least desirethat they come from the ends o

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