大點評 x 翟健民|乾隆鬥彩荸薺瓶與元代供御建盞|The Review with William Chak|‘Doucai’ Vase and ‘Silver Fur’ Tea Bowl
The Value l 藝術雜誌 Art Insider The Value l 藝術雜誌 Art Insider
11K subscribers

 Published On Nov 25, 2017


10月、11月是香港拍賣旺季,正以為12月可以稍作休息之際,對不少內地拍賣行來說,卻是秋拍的黃金時間。北京百年老字號榮寶齋,旗下的「北京榮寶」將於12月2日在富力萬麗酒店舉槌。The Value特意請來翟健民老師,為是次上拍的瓷器珍品點評。這回先說「乾隆鬥彩荸薺瓶」與元代「供御建盞」。

Full article: http://bit.ly/2A8FEPq

Rongbaozhai is a well-known antiques shop in Beijing with a long history of over three centuries. Its subsidiary, Rongbaozhai auction, is going to hold its fall sales on 2nd December at Renaissance by Marriott Beijing Capital Hotel. A distinguished ceramics expert William Chak reviews two highlights from the sale, a ‘Doucai’ ‘Bats” Bottle Vase from the Qianlong period and ‘Gongyu’ ‘Silver Fur’ Tea Bowl from Yuan dynasty.

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