見解脫不空絹索觀音心咒:凡見此像者,今生乃輪迴最後一世 Mantra of Liberation through the Unfailing Rope Avalokiteshvara
克萊夫心靈樂語 克萊夫心靈樂語
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 Published On Jul 3, 2024

主要功德 - Main Merits
一, 見像功德 - Merits of Seeing the Image:
1. 見此像即同觀見觀音聖顏及布達拉清淨剎土之無量宮殿。
Seeing this image is equivalent to directly perceiving the holy face of Avalokiteshvara and the infinite palaces of the pure land of Potala.
2. 見像一次即可解脫八大地獄的苦難和各種怖畏,乃至五無間罪。
Even a single glance can liberate one from the suffering of the eight great hells and various fears, as well as the five heinous crimes.
3. 清淨一切大小罪業,包括捨法罪、謗佛菩薩罪。
It purifies all sins, big and small, including the sins of abandoning the Dharma and slandering Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
4. 積累如百千大梵天的福德,獲得世間所有善根。
It accumulates merits equivalent to those of a hundred thousand Brahma heavens and obtains all the roots of virtue in the world.
5. 臨命終時,見觀音慈面,心靈安寧,死後生極樂世界,遠離一切障難,憶念百千宿世之事,直至菩提果間,今生乃輪迴最後一世。
At the time of death, one will directly see the compassionate face of Avalokiteshvara, attain supreme peace of mind, and be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, free from all obstacles, able to recall events from hundreds of thousands of past lives, until achieving enlightenment. This life will be the last reincarnation.
二, 心咒功德 - Merits of the Heart Mantra:
1. 心咒:唵 阿姆嘎布喳 瑪呢 叭德瑪哇致rei 達塔嘎達 微羅給dei 薩曼達 布日阿薩日阿吽。
Mantra: Om Ahm Gah Bu Jah Mani Padma Vajre Dhatugate Viragate Samanta Buddhahaya Hum.
2. 早晚各念七遍,可令犯五無間罪者亦得解脫。
Reciting this mantra seven times in the morning and seven times at night can liberate even those who have committed the five heinous crimes.
3. 死後若骨頭存在一千年,持此咒吹一次,即可解脫六道輪迴之苦。
If a person's bones remain after a thousand years, reciting this mantra and blowing on the bones will liberate the person from the six realms of samsara.
4. 上午念一遍,能使五無間罪無餘盡除。
Reciting this mantra once in the morning can completely eliminate the five heinous crimes.
5. 受齋戒者念誦能於佛剎中獲得大普賢果位。
Those who observe the precepts and recite this mantra will attain the great Samantabhadra fruit in the Buddha lands.
6. 誦百千遍,能使舌如金剛般穩固,身清淨如金剛,青春年少,諸根具足,芬芳動聽,死後成佛子。
Reciting it hundreds of thousands of times will make the tongue as firm as vajra, the body purified and invulnerable like vajra, youthful, with all faculties complete, fragrant, and pleasing to the ear. After death, one will become a pure and complete Buddha child.

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