Did You Know? 15 Amazing Historical Facts #06
Sajee Sajee
79.4K subscribers

 Published On Sep 14, 2020

Did You Know? 15 Amazing Historical Facts #06

1. The longest war in the history is the Dutch-Scilly War. It started in 1651 and the war completed its 335 years before ending in 1986.

2. The shortest war lasted only 38 minutes. The war was fought between England and Zanzibar.

3. It is true that a couple of centuries ago, the dentures were made from the teeth. These teeth were pulled out from the mouth of perished soldiers.

4. The animals were put into trials in the medieval period. Undoubtedly, they did not even try to speak in their own defense. Hence, they were declared guilty before executed.

5. China believed in the “One Child policy”. Hence, the unwanted children are abandoned. According to a report, approximately 10,000 girls were abandoned since 2005.

6. During the colonization period, the life of the Africans was no better than hell. It can be estimated by the fact that 12.5 million African were sold to American countries.

7. The Great Fire Of London occurred in 1666. It devastated 13,200 houses and 87 churches. However, the death toll is not clear. According to Wikipedia, Only 6 deaths were recorded.

8. It was literally heartless. It was common among the Mayans that while performing the sacrifices they pull out the beating heart from the body of the sacrificial subject.

9. Admittedly, utterly disgusting. However, Romans Used To Mouth Wash With Urine

10. In 1100, (the middle ages,) innocence was judged by putting the suspect's hand in boiling water

11. The largest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until 9/11 was the Jonestown massacre of 1978. Cult’s leader, Reverend Jim Jones forced 918 people in the town to drink Kool-Aid mixed with cyanide, chloral hydrate, valium, and Phenergan.

12. The disease started with genital ulcers and was extremely painful with no remedies to cure or even relieve the pain. It melted through the bones and even destroyed nose, lips, and eyes of the affected. The first major Syphilis outbreak caused flesh to fall from people’s faces and lead to death within a few months.

13. In 1841, William Henry Harrison served the shortest term as President

14. Arabic Numerals Were Not Created By Arabs as those numerals were created by the Indians.

15. Till 2018, seven out of the ten deadliest wars in human history took place in China

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