How to Tell if Diamonds are Real: A Complete Guide
Sasho Sasho
10.5K subscribers

 Published On Dec 20, 2018

How to Tell if Diamonds are Real: A Comprehensive Guide

My favorite diamond testing kit (Amazon)

Diamonds are one of the most prized and valuable gemstones in the world. As a result, there are many imitations and fake diamonds on the market, making it difficult to determine if a diamond is real or fake. In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to tell if diamonds are real, including methods you can use to test a diamond at home.

How Do You Tell If a Diamond is Real at Home?

There are several methods you can use to tell if a diamond is real at home. These include:

The Fog Test - Hold the diamond in front of your mouth and breathe on it like you would a mirror. If the diamond fogs up and takes a few seconds to clear, it's likely a fake. Real diamonds disperse heat quickly, so they won't fog up.

The Water Test - Fill a glass with water and drop the diamond into the glass. If the diamond sinks to the bottom, it's likely real. If it floats or is suspended in the water, it's likely fake.

The Heat Test - Heat the diamond with a lighter for around 30 seconds and then drop it into cold water. If the diamond shatters, it's likely fake. Real diamonds are able to withstand the heat and won't break.

How Do You Test a Diamond Stone at Home?

If you have a loose diamond stone that you want to test at home, you can use the following methods:

The Magnifying Glass Test - Examine the diamond under a magnifying glass or loupe. Look for imperfections, such as tiny cracks, which are a sign that the diamond is real. Fake diamonds are often flawless.

The Scratch Test - Use a sharp object, like a piece of glass, to scratch the surface of the diamond. If the diamond scratches, it's likely fake. Real diamonds are the hardest mineral and can only be scratched by another diamond.

The UV Light Test - Shine a UV light on the diamond. If the diamond glows blue, it's likely real. Fake diamonds won't glow.

How Can You Tell Real Diamonds from Eyes?

While it's not a foolproof method, you can often tell real diamonds from fake ones just by looking at them. Real diamonds have a unique sparkle and brilliance that's hard to replicate. They also tend to have more fire or rainbow-colored reflections than fake diamonds. If the diamond is too perfect or too shiny, it's likely a fake.

How Can You Tell If a Diamond is Real Under Light?

Real diamonds tend to sparkle and reflect light more than fake ones. Hold the diamond under a light and look for reflections and refractions of light. Real diamonds will have more sparkles and a rainbow of colors, while fake diamonds will look dull or too white.

Does Fake Diamonds Reflect Light?

Fake diamonds may reflect light, but they won't have the same sparkle and brilliance as real diamonds. They may also appear too white or too perfect, lacking the natural imperfections of real diamonds.

How Can You Tell If a Stone is Real or Fake?

The methods for testing if a stone is real or fake will depend on the type of stone. However, some general tips include examining the stone under a magnifying glass for imperfections, testing the stone's hardness with a scratch test, and looking for any discoloration or unevenness in the stone's color or texture.

In conclusion, there are several methods you can use to tell if diamonds are real, including the fog test, water test, heat test, magnifying glass test, scratch test, and UV light

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