Jane Hamon: The Key That Unlocks the Hardest Hearts (Proverbs
King of Kings Worship Center King of Kings Worship Center
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 Published On Mar 8, 2023

Jane Hamon: The Key That Unlocks the Hardest Hearts (Proverbs 25:11)
Jane spoke at Fresh Start Church in Peoria, AZ, on 6/4/2022. Quotes: “We've got to start grabbing a hold of this prophetic mantle in a whole new way. Let's talk about this prophetic mantle, this mantle "breakthrough" that is being married to revival. The prophetic anointing on your life is going to give you the ability to see open hearts. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, and he started having a chat with her, it was a prophetic word that unlocked her heart. The prophetic anointing becomes the key that unlocks the hardest hearts.”

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We've got to get over this thing about
not wanting to be in the world.
I know we're in the world, we're not of the world,
but we are in the world. We've got to quit being afraid
of something in the world getting on us. We've had it backwards.
Everywhere we go, we ought to be praying that
something in us gets on them.
Come on, that's the right Kingdom perspective.
But in order to do this, we've got to start
grabbing a hold of this prophetic mantle in a whole new way.
I'm telling you, God's getting ready to blow your minds.
So let's talk about this prophetic mantle,
this mantle "breakthrough" that is being married to revival.
I'm going to give you three things that it's going to do for you.
Just so that you can be in a position of expectancy.
Number one, the prophetic anointing on your life is
going to give you the ability to see open hearts.
When Jesus met the woman at the well,
the Samaritan woman at the well,
and he started having a chat with her,
it was a prophetic word that unlocked her heart.
Remember she started arguing religion with him
and Jesus said, well, let, let me just tell you this,
"Where is your husband?" She said, "well, I don't have a husband."
He said, "you've said, right, that you don't have
a husband because you've had five husbands,
and the guy that you're with now is not your husband."
And she said, "Sir I perceive that thou art a prophet."
But what did it do? It unlocked her.
The prophetic becomes the key that unlocks the hardest hearts.
How many have been praying for family members?
Coworkers, friends, loved ones?
I'm telling you, God's got a prophetic word for you,
that's going to unlock their hearts.
Our job in the prophetic, our job in revival,
is to make Jesus real. And we carry that ability
and we carry that anointing everywhere we go.
I have so many stories of this
but I'll tell you, I'm going to tell you a couple.
I'll tell you a couple about how it unlocks the heart.
I was on an airplane one time and you know most of the time
I'm talking to people that look like you.
So, my evangelism often happens on airplanes,
or in grocery stores. When I'm seated next to somebody
and we strike up a conversation, they'll invariably ask me,
"well are you traveling on business or pleasure?"
I don't ever know how to answer that
because my business is pleasure. I do love what I do.
Or they'll say, "well what do you do for a living?"
I have different ways that I answer that,
that can kind of steer the conversation.
I could say, well, "I'm a, I'm a pastor.
And they'd say, "oh, a woman, pastor. Oh, that's,"
you know, we'd have that whole conversation.
Or I can say, I'm a prophet and they'll get up and change seats.
Now I've never actually done this,
but one time I'm going to do this.
I'd like to just say, well, "I'm an exorcist."
Because I do cast out devils. I mean, that's part of my job.
That's part of your job too, by the way.
I'd just like to do it sometime
just to see what reaction I get.
Sometimes I say, "I help people understand their dreams."
I could be sitting next to an atheist
and they'll say, "oh really well, I had this dream"
and God will prophetically open up their life to me.
See, it's a tool to open up hearts. But I'll tell you about one time
that I was not too interested in talking to the person next to me.
I'd just gotten done with a very long conference
in Buffalo New York. I was exhausted.
I got on the plane. I had bumped up to first class.
I had an empty seat next to me. Thank you, Jesus.
I wasn't going to have to talk to anybody.
I like to talk to people, but when you're tired
you're tired. At the very last minute, this drunk man
stumbles onto the plane, loud, drunk,
smelling of alcohol and he sits down.
You guessed it - right next to me.
So they've buttoned up the doors of the plane.
We're getting ready to take off.
The guy is like... the guy is just like going on and on.
He's chatting me up. I pick up a magazine.

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