Cartoon about poison for the police. Kids Police Car Cartoon. Auto for kids. Vehicle for children
Smiling Robot Smiling Robot
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 Published On Premiered May 11, 2019

reserve of the city! Otherwise, they are going to pour it into the city water supply!
Handy-Andy (angry): What are they thinking about!?
Major’s office.
Major Harry (seriously): We cannot give them gold reserve and we cannot ignore the situation…
Officer (sadly): It’s true. One tank is missing at the factory. They probably have it. I’m afraid that bandits are serious this time.
Handy-Andy (worried): Did you manage to find out the position of bandits?
Officer (sadly): No. We checked the whole city and arranged posts but didn’t find anything suspicious.
Handy-Andy (lively): I have an idea…
Move to the basement. There are Boss, Razer and Rocko there.
Boss (villainously): They will deliver the gold in one hour. If everything is going to be fine, you will hide the tank. But if they are going to fool us, you will pour it to the river. And tomorrow it will be panic in the city because there will not be drinking water no more! Laugh
Rocko (surprised): Don’t we have to exchange the tank to the gold?
Boss (arrogantly): It is very valuable. We don’t know what we are going to need in future.
Razer (with hope): So maybe we don’t need to pour the chemicals if something is going to be wrong.
Boss (getting more angry): No way. Let them know that they cannot fool us! That’s it. No more talking. I’m leaving, keep in touch! Rocko, Razer and boss are laughing.
Truck approaches the abandoned mine. There is a major and officer in it.
Major Harry (decisively): You cannot even identify that it’s not real. We need to take the tank back in time.
Truck’s door is opened and we see the gold there. Major and officer are standing inside the mine. We hear Boss’s voice.
Boss (villainously): I hope you are not going to fool me! Let’s check it! Laugh
A flask falls onto the cart and gold bars are covered with spots now.
Officer (at a loss): What is this?
Boss (angry): The gold doesn’t react with acid but this metal is covered with spots. It means that you tried to fool me!
Boss takes the radio and shouts on it.
Boss (angry): We were fooled! Pour the chemicals!
Razer and Rocko on the other side of the radio.
Rocko and Razer: It’s clear, Boss! Carrying out!
Boss has smoke bomb in his hands. He throws it to major and officer’s feet.
Boss (threatening): You are going regret it!
Boss disappears in a smoke. There is a laugh there.
Major Harry (decisive): Now it’s more important to stop Razer and Rocko! If they pour chemicals, all city will be in a big danger! We are going to catch Boss later!
Major Harry (worried) (on a radio): Handy-Andy, they figured out about the fake gold! And the helicopter noticed the movement beside the river in the South part of the city! I think it might be Razer and Rocko!
Handy-Andy (decisive) (on a radio): I’ll be there in a minute!
Major Harry (worried) (on a radio): Great! We are going to be there soon!
Handy-Andy is going very fast to the end of the city.
Rocko (worried): Go fast! I think there is a Handy-Andy coming!
The car stops abruptly and starts to bulk fast.
Razer (perplexedly): What a…I’m serious, what’s that?!
Rocko (in panic): I think it’s quicksand!
Razer (perplexedly): I thought that it could be only in a desert or in some tropics…
Rocko (sarcastically): The world full of surprises! Let’s get out of here. We are bulking very fast!
Rocko and Razer are standing on the roof of the truck. Handy-Andy approaches them.
Rocko (in panic): Handy-Andy, help, we are going to bulk into sand now!
Handy-Andy (nervous): Hold on, wretches! I’ll pull you out!
Handy-Andy stopped. Deals with the cable, ties it. When he turns his back Rocko and Razer disappeared.
Handy-Andy (sighs): Oh! No reason to help! They escaped again. It’s good that the tank is here.
Bandit’s car is very dirty. It’s beside the police car. The tank with chemicals is beside the police officer.
Major Harry (dejectedly): they’ve escaped again… I didn’t know that there is a quicksand here…
Handy-Andy (teaching): Before, the river occupied a big territory. Then it started to dry out. And quicksand appeared on its banks. (behind the frame) It seems hard from the distance but if something touches it, it turns into soft sand. Just imagine, the force necessary to pull the leg is equal to the force that was needed to lift the car!
Major Harry (sympathetically): Who would have thought! We need to install the plates here. They will inform people about the danger!
Handy-Andy (kindly): Great idea, Major!

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