From Xia Dynasty to 2020 in 18 minutes!!!(Traditional Chinese)
Tony Tony
17.6K subscribers

 Published On Jun 12, 2021

The bloody battle of life, the history of the advancement, is like the formation of coal. At that time, a large amount of wood was used, but the result was a small piece of coal.
ㄧ Lu Xun

This video is a second creation and is only uploaded on the Youtube channel. This video is for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) audiences. Please do not treat it with the standpoint of Mainland China.

Remember to follow me IG👇

Tony's IG: (tony_ng2004)

Youtube: (Tony_Ng2004)
   / @tony_is_here  

Production start date: September 18, 2020

Finished production date: June 12, 2021

Brief description:
Tony_Ng2004, a local youtuber in Hong Kong. I started filming on youtube in 2015. On June 15, 2016, I started to publish game videos on this account under the screen name "Tony Gaming". It was also renamed "Tony Four Eyes". The official transformation will take place on March 17, 2020, focusing on Vlog and academic historical films. As of June 12, 2021, Tony_Ng2004 has 655 subscribers.


Editing: PowerDirector 16
Title: Tony
End credit: Tony
Related videos: Mentioned in the video
Related information: Mentioned in the video
Language: Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
Traditional Chinese (Macau)
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

#中国史#讲史#史故事#historical figures#古#中国古#中国史年表#中国史朝代变#中国朝代#中国文化朝代#中史DSE #中国史DSE #中国史简述#中国史Characters#秦始皇#项羽#刘邦#吕后#汉武帝#王 Mang#刘秀#汉 Xian Emperor#刘备#曹操#孙权#司马懿#司马炎#司马睿#拓榜宏#安徽文帝#安徽炀帝#唐太宗#唐高宗#武泽天#唐玄宗#唐武宗#唐宣宗#朱温#柴荣#赵匡胤#赵光义#宋神宗#宋徽宗#耶律阿保机#完颜阿骨打#辽圣宗#西夏景宗#宋高宗#宋帝昺#成吉思汗#蒙哥#阿里不哥#诸必烈#元顺帝#朱元璋#永乐帝#明英宗#景泰帝#崇祯帝#努尔哈赤#皇太极#顺治#康熙#雍正#乾隆#道光#鲜丰#光绪#宣统#Puyi #慈禧太后#梁启超#康有为#袁世凯#和珅#谭曦同#兴中会#同盟会#国党#孙中山#號大專會#中华民国# Communist Party#蒋介石#战征分征#黎元洪#段祺瑞#张勋#紫 Forbidden City#毛泽东#两 Revolution#护国运动#护法之战#国民 Revolutionary North Army# National Revolutionary Army#张学良#清党# Northeast Yizhi#张作霖#长征#周恩来#邓德#朱德#彭德怀#日本潜水华#卢沟桥事变#7七事变#七七卢沟桥事变#八年防战#淞沪会战#南京大屠杀#武汉会战#台儿庄大捷#二次世界王国#轴心国#同联盟国#反战胜利#重庆大会#双十大会#国公Civil War#徐匡会战#辽沈会战#平津会战#开国大典#中国#满洲国#尊义会议#九一八事变#宁汉分#国共合作#五四运动#洪宪帝制#宋教仁#汪精卫运动#朱自清#地改法#南北韩战#Suppression of the counter-revolutionary movement#三反运动#五反运动#一五计划#鸣放运动#反右运动#大跃进#三面红旗#大劫荒#胡仕#Culture Great Revolution#老舍#田汉#刘少奇#林彪#李小龙#批林批孔#四人帮# Reform Opening# Democratic Progressive Party#蒋经国#胡耀邦#八九民运#六四事件#香港归#澳归#陈水平# The Seventh Parade #曾阴权#李安#三聚亿胺#马英九#汶川大地震#Beijing Olympics#崔世安#Manilahostage event#xijinping#梁振英#柯文哲#雨伞运动#八仙乐园粉尘爆事件#蔡英文#林郑月娥#金正恩 #中美贸易战 #Trump #陈同佳 #Against Fugitive Offenders Ordinance Amendment Campaign #贺一成 #武汉 #新冠纽约 #韩瑜 #中美 #中美战

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