(Type 1) Battery Mod, Fix Repair Hack and Easy Modification on Hubsan Zino & Zino Pro Drones.
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 Published On Mar 14, 2021

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In this video i am sharing a very good idea to repair and hack the faulty intelligent battery to make it usable again for free and within around 5 minutes of this trick.

Взлом Perfect Battery Fix и простая модификация на дронах Hubsan Zino и Zino Pro. Легкое руководство и урок

Perfecte batterijherstelhack en eenvoudige aanpassing op Hubsan Zino & Zino Pro Drones. Eenvoudige gids en les

اختراق مثالي لإصلاح البطارية وتعديل سهل على طائرات Hubsan Zino & Zino Pro بدون طيار.

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Let me explain the problems first.
As you can see when i press the power button on the drone with faulty battery then drone is not responding or not turning the power on.
I just replaced the working battery into drone and turning its power on. As you can see the drone turn on properly.

Let me show you again with faulty battery. the reason to show it again to making it sure that its a battery problem.
As you can see it again that it does not work and it means its a battery problem.
I have already done this experiment on this same battery. i was successful then i decided to share this hack and trick with everyone. First of all you will have to open battery casing.
To open the casing you will have to use sharp tool like blade with extra care. As i just said that i have already fixed this battery but i made this battery in same faulty position to show on youtube to explain it clearly.
As soon as you have taken out the battery pack as showing on screen. The connections are shows at the moment are on original condition. Black cable is negative, blue or green is for battery 1 for balance charge and yellow or green is for battery 2 balance charge, and finally red is on the left for positive. You can see on circuit board that its showing the connection labels as well.

The circuit board has fault on it that’s why circuit board is not passing right current. The small electric components have fault somewhere which is not possible to diagnose it. I have seen another video on youtube who is showing to remove all the components and put the new 4 wires on PCB.
The person took 45 minutes to do it on youtube and was lengthy and difficult process but i am showing you a very easy trick, but please continue watching this video because i will also show you the reason and proper details as a free lesson which is very useful for your future repairs as well.
Now i will show you the trick which is very easy and reliable. What you need to know that by pass its circuit board with just 1 wire. As you can see on screen the black cable or negative battery wire has soldered on PCB. All you need to do that to make a bridge with another wire to join it on top connection which i am indicating. Or just remove this black cable from its original joint and rejoin it to top point which i am showing on screen now. This process will bypass the circuit board and then your battery will be normal again for recharge and also it will work in the drone normally and without any fault.
Let me explain and prove it using a multi metre. You will be able to see exact problem what i will show you now..
As you can see that i am checking battery’s voltage from its direct connections. Its showing 12.54 volts. It means that battery is fully charged.
And now i show you that how many volts are passing through from this faulty PCB board. Please
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